Boots on ground


Finally, the Operation is on

The army has finally realised that retaliatory air attacks were not enough to bring the terrorists to their knees. At long last a full scale operation code named “Zarab-e-Azb” has been launched. Thousands of troops are to take part in cleansing the North Waziristan Agency which was often referred to as the epicentre of terrorism. Besides the several Pakistani militant groups, terrorists from all nooks and corners of the world had set up their training centres in the Agency. While most of them played havoc inside Pakistan, others used the area as a launching pad for terrorist activities in other countries. What is needed is to strictly avoid cherry picking among the militant groups. In order to rid the country of militancy on a permanent basis, the operation has to be indiscriminate.

Now that the operation has been launched the nation needs to stand behind the army. The prime minister should take the National Assembly into confidence. While the army fights the war against militancy, the government must undertake measures needed to complement the army operation.

To start with, there is a need to set up camps with proper security for the IDPs belonging to the NWA. For this there is a need of coordination between the federal government, the KP government and the army. It should be ensured that terrorists do not manage to sneak into the camps. That thousands of tribesmen have reportedly migrated to Afghanistan indicates the lack of confidence in government’s ability to handle the IDPs. Efforts have to be made to improve the perception.

The government has to realise that the TTP and its allies are likely to retaliate with full force in big cities, making full use of security lacunas. It is not enough to secure Islamabad only. Other major cities in all the four provinces as well as AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan also have to be provided sufficient security. The task needs full concentration on the part of interior ministry which will have to work overtime. In case the interior minister is unable to perform his duties due to bad health someone else should be given the charge.

It has been proved that at the present juncture, which is likely to last a few years, militants, both local and foreign, constitute the primary enemy and the existential threat. There is a need under the circumstances to bring down the level of tension on the LoC. India too should be made to realise that it would be helping the militants if it did not cooperate to keep the border peaceful.


  1. How about the air force hits them from one side and put the boots on the ground on the other side so thess killers have no where to run or hide,and keep going.This government needs to do a better job,infact do their job of letting the armed forces handle this situation,let the armed forces decide when to start and when to finish.This couple of days of air strikes is not doing anything,we know what this government is trying to prove by these litle waste of life and waste of time operations.GIVE THE FORCES THE GO SIGN, and get the he.k out of the way.

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