Muslim father in UK beat daughter, 14 with tennis racket for relationship with white boy


The father-of-three from a ‘traditional Asian family’ arrested after the boyfriend became concerned when the girl stopped sending text messages

A Muslim father slapped and beat his 14-year old daughter for “shaming” their community after he discovered she was having a secret affair with a white boy, the Telegraph reported on Monday.
The 43-year-old became angry after his wife picked up the phone at home and overheard their child talking “in explicit terms” about her relationship with the 15-year old teenager.
During an angry confrontation, the father who wanted his daughter to succeed at university told her: “You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you before the community finds out.”
When she defied their pleas to stop the illicit romance, he “whacked” her with a tennis racket he kept in the boot of his car and in another incident, he grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.
The father of three from a “traditional Asian family” was later arrested after the boyfriend became concerned when the girl stopped sending text messages. Now 16, she no longer lives at her family home in Blackburn, Lancs and is still seeing the boy.
At Burnley Crown Court, the father, who cannot be named for legal reasons to protect the identity of the girl, admitted child cruelty. He was given 21 weeks in jail, suspended for two years, with two years’ supervision and must pay an £80 surcharge.
The court heard the girl would have been expected to enter into an arranged marriage with a boy of her own culture. But, when she was 14, she began a relationship with the white boy.
Stephen Parker prosecuting said the girl knew her family would find it “very, very hard” to deal with the fact she was having sex, let alone the fact her boyfriend wasn’t from her culture. She was found out after her shocked mother overheard her daughter talking about the fling over the phone after she picked up an extension and listened in.
Parker, prosecuting, said the phone call caused a “great deal of tension” in the girl’s family and she went to stay with her uncle as her parents were in extreme distress.
When the victim’s parents had confronted her, she had denied being in a sexual relationship saying the phone comments, to a friend, were a fantasy. She then secretly continued to see the young man.
The girl’s parents were worried about whether the relationship was continuing and checked her phone and electronic equipment. But the girl kept a “secret” second phone and was walking home from a day’s work experience outside lessons when was confronted by her father who stopped in his car in the street.
“The girl was driven home, dragged from the vehicle, thrown to the floor and as she put it was “whacked” several times with the racket from the boot, as her father shouted : ” Are you going to give me the phone ?”
“She was taken inside, her school bag was searched and she was hit again with the bat and slapped.”
Parker said weeks later, the girl secretly arranged to meet her boyfriend again but trouble broke out when her mother couldn’t find her. When she got home, she was met on the stairway by her extremely angry father who hit her, causing her to fall.
On another occasion, a neighbour was supposed to take her to school, but the girl said she didn’t need a lift and arranged to walk to school with her boyfriend.
Her father later challenged her and shouted at her: ” You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you before the community find out.” He then grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.
Days after that, the girl’s mother found two more mobile phones with messages between the teenagers and the boyfriend became very concerned when the texts stopped.
He contacted the police and when the father was interviewed.
In mitigation, defence counsel Mohammed Nawaz, said the father was of “exemplary character” and was described by neighbours, family and others in the community in “warm, glowing and positive terms”.
Nawaz said the father was a “loving and devoted father” who at first feared his daughter was being used by an older man.
The lawyer added: “He is now extremely contrite for his disgraceful behaviour. He didn’t want to stop her being educated and didn’t want her wed off at an early age. What he wanted for her was to get good grades and go to university.”
Passing sentence, Judge Jonathan Gibson told the father: “Many, indeed I would like to think, all parents would be horrified to find out that were the case.
“What cannot be allowed to happen is the crossing of the line, which happened in your case, of resorting to unlawful physical violence. What you did, on any view, went way beyond what would be regarded as acceptable discipline or punishment.”


  1. This father should hang his head in shame that he assaulted his daughter. Let's see if this man takes this to heart and changes his ways, otherwise his other children are also at risk of abuse because of this man's religious beliefs.

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