19 dead in car bombing in Nigeria




At least 19 people were  killed in a car bomb that exploded on a busy road in Nigeria’s capital, just days before the city is to host a major international conference, officials have said.


The bomb exploded where traffic built up near a checkpoint across the road from a busy bus station where a massive explosion on April 14 killed at least 75 people.

That blast was claimed by the Islamic extremist Boko Hararm terrorist network.


Thursday night’s bomb comes days before Abuja is to host the World Economic Forum on Africa, with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as an honoured guest.


Police Superintendent Frank Mba said Friday the toll is up to 19 dead with as many wounded being treated in the hospitals. Six cars were burned up.


  1. I sympathise with families that lost their love one and to as many that got wounded in all these incidence . But lets come to reality, both government and residents have failed in their duty to secure lives and properties of its citizens and not to report any suspiciously movement of these sects living within their domains respectively.

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