Ukraine detains Russian military attaché for spying




Ukraine said on Thursday it had detained Russia’s military attaché to Kiev on suspicion of spying and ordered him to leave, as the ex-Soviet republic wrestles with an armed uprising it says is orchestrated by Moscow.


In a statement, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said the unnamed diplomat was detained on Wednesday while undertaking “intelligence activities”.


Ukraine accuses Russia of orchestrating the fall of towns and cities across its industrial east to pro-Russian separatists over the past month, spearheaded by well-organized gunmen in masks and military fatigues.


Russia denies having any part in the rebellion, but has warned it reserves the right to intervene to protect ethnic Russians – following its annexation of Crimea in late March – and has massed tens of thousands of troops on its western frontier with Ukraine.


“The military-naval attaché of the embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine is declared persona non grata in connection with his actions, which are not in accordance with his diplomatic status,” the ministry said.


The diplomat was ordered to leave, though the statement mentioned no deadline. There was no immediate response from Moscow, which like Kiev is observing the May 1 holiday.


Ukraine’s pro-Western leaders conceded on Wednesday they were “helpless” to counter the fall of government buildings and police stations to the separatists in the Donbass coal and steel belt of eastern Ukraine, source of around a third of the country’s industrial output.