Thai PM rules out resigning



Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday ruled out resigning despite a series of deadly attacks heaping pressure on her administration.

Yingluck is currently in Saraburi province, (60 miles) north of Bangkok.

She has called for dialogue to resolve a crisis that has dragged on for months, with key intersections in the capital blocked by protest camps.

“It’s time all sides turned to talk to each other,” Yingluck told reporter

“Many people have asked me to resign but I ask: is resignation the answer? What if it creates a power vacuum?”

Yingluck’s office would not confirm how many days Yingluck had been working outside the capital.

She was last seen in public in Bangkok nearly a week ago, last Tuesday, when both anti-government protesters and farmers angry about not being paid under a rice subsidy scheme were trailing her and some of her ministers.

She is due to attend a corruption hearing in Bangkok on Thursday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said Yingluck would hold a cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

“It is highly likely that we will hold the cabinet meeting outside of Bangkok,” Surapong told reporters.

The protests have been punctuated by gunfire and bomb blasts, including one on Sunday that killed a woman and a young brother and sister.

The demonstrations are aimed at ousting Yingluck and erasing the influence of her brother, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who is seen by many as the power behind the government.

The political crisis, which pits the mainly middle-class anti-government demonstrators from Bangkok and the south against supporters of Yingluck from the populous rural north and northeast, shows no sign of ending soon.

But the army, which toppled Thaksin in 2006 in the latest of 18 coups or attempted coups since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932, said it would not interfere.


  1. 我只能怎样说, 你们有何看法: (>联合国秘书长潘基文呼吁立即停止来自任何方面的暴力行为, 并敦促政府将责任人绳之以法. 自2006年以来, 在时任总理他信, 英拉的哥哥, 是被指控腐败和滥用职权被推翻后, 通过军事政变泰国已经四分五裂了有时是暴力的政治冲突. 他信的支持者和反对者自此走上街头为一场权力斗争长时间.>) 泰国的反对党也是腐败主义者和滥用主义者的暴力和残酷职权想被推翻现任首相, 英拉总理. 但是泰国政策主导政治委员行政长官的曲折, 已经被不断保留所有权利. 那对国家民选首相'英拉总理是不公平和不民主. 那对国家民选首相'英拉总理'应当享受法律上规定的公民权利并履行公民义务的人. 这件事情里面还有不少曲折违背泰国社会主义. 当年国家民选首相, 他信总理. 也被反对党腐败主义者和滥用主义者的立即执行武装被推翻民选政府治理国家事务'他信总理. 于心无愧, 对'他信总理'来说何罪之有. 泰国反对党的腐败主义者和滥用设法划策, 为了对取得一致意见而进行讨论, 这是不能说明问题图谋不轨. 应当主谋者绳之以法. 谋划事情要尽人的努力, 而事情的成败则还受到环境, 自然条件等的制约. 对泰国事物的看法, 社会走封建主义之路, 社会的衰退, 人类的灭亡? 客观来说, 泰国合法性的民选首相, 英拉总理. 应当有不可限制的继承权和受法律充分保护的权利?

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