In cahoots with the enemy


Those supposedly defending our lives



The last, desperate hope – the forlorn, remaining illusion that the elected government leaders and the army generals will ultimately defend the people and the country seems to have been shattered by recent events.

The head of our national government, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, calls upon not the country’s law enforcement agencies and the national army, but the very perpetrators, the Taliban enemy to bring to justice the criminals and murderers for bombings, killing, targeting of our citizens in cold blood.

In other words, he is asking the enemy to bypass the country’s own legal and judicial system and to punish the terrorists through the enemy’s own parallel justice system.

The prime minister further comes to the aid of the Taliban enemy by belittling the daily mass murders of our civilians and policemen as mere ‘incident’ that would hamper the ‘sacred talks’. I guess these massacres of our people would have been fine if they were not to affect the talks.

Our chief of the national army, through its spokesman says that the army will defend and retaliate only if this enemy attacks its soldiers and installations, but will not do likewise if the enemy targets, bombs, or kill and maims our unarmed citizens.

In any other country these gentlemen would have been tried for treason for dereliction of their sworn, sacred duty of upholding the country’s constitution and laws, for failure to protect the lives and property of the citizens, for failure to defend the territory of the country against declared enemies and for their complicity with the enemy. In any other country, the government leaders and its army generals would have put their lives at stake, in the forefront, to fight and crush its blood thirsty enemy.

Not a normal country

But ours is not any other normal country. It’s a country where its rulers cower in fear of the enemy, where helpless, innocent people are left at the mercy of the enemy to be slaughtered as sacrificial lambs. It’s a country where its leaders and generals in the face of an ongoing genocide of its people escape in luxury to faraway countries to ‘cement ties’.

It’s a country where death rules and evil stalks the land unchallenged.

There’s no universal law or divine principle that prevents people of a country from protecting themselves and defend their lives. Right to life is the most inalienable, the most basic of human rights. During the last decade or so, numerous appeals, thousands of columns must have been written to ask the powers that be to fulfill their fundamental duty and defend the lives, families and property of the people. But all to no avail.

An offensive war is our only option as the enemy with its numerous agents and cohorts have infiltrated every corner of our land.

A state’s assertion of its sovereignty comes with its most important responsibility: the responsibility of protecting its citizens from invasion and mass murders. That is why a state is bestowed upon the sole and exclusive authority to wield the power of coercion.

But if the state is unable or unwilling to perform its fundamental duty of protecting the people or defending its territorial integrity then its monopolized power of coercion is seriously questioned, lacking in justification.

Radical situations require radical steps. To cut to the chase, if the state cannot or will not fight the enemy and to defend the people for any reason, then the people must be allowed to exercise their most fundamental right – the right of self-defense.

And in this people’s epic battle for survival the state must help, not hinder, the citizens of the country and facilitate their defense by providing them with small arms and training etc. As far as strategic weapons, nuclear assets, missiles, jet planes are concerned, even though all armaments are paid for by and belong to the people, the state can continue to secure the custody of these weapons.

Thousands and thousands of our people continue to get shot at, or murdered or maimed or blown up into pieces in their homes, mosques, hospitals, streets, schools, bazaars, trains, buses etc. All these atrocities are being inflicted on the unarmed civilians by a few thousand thugs and natural born killers with unkempt beards and without a shred of human decency or morality in their body.

I am absolutely certain that our fellow citizens are strong enough and motivated enough to take on these bullies and cowards hiding behind women and children. Remember that not too long ago an alien force of only a few hundred was able to kick the Talibans out from their seat of power and from their country. The televised images of these ‘brave’ Talibans running scared like headless chicken, begging for forgiveness is still fresh in our memory.

So it all boils down to a really stark and straightforward choice: Either the state establishment or the citizens of Pakistan must face and wipe out these evil serial killers or to watch the inexorable evisceration of the state and the progressive genocide and enslavement of our fellow citizens.

An offensive war is our only option as the enemy with its numerous agents and cohorts have infiltrated every corner of our land.

Up and until now our supposed protectors and defenders have, for whatever reasons, incredibly refused to confront and annihilate these Taliban/Jihadi perverted, blood- thirsty fascists. If this fatal inaction continues to be the case, then the least the government and the army can do is to hand over the guns to the citizens. And just get out of their way!


  1. We agree with the author completely. Very straightforward and simple, honest article. If the establishment and NS Govt refuses to act and defend us then people should do it. What other alternative is there other than destruction of the country. PMLn government must do its duty and fight this maniac enemy. with the army. Only solution. Thank you.

  2. Sir ji very well said. my advise to PM Nawaz is to just do it, finish off Taliban and their puppets and their agents in out cities, and then govt can talk about progress, power etc, etc.. Why is he so afraid…..

  3. Miss Ayesha you are correct in your advise. Tausif Saheb has been one of the very few voices of sanity in Pakistan writing brilliantly and effectively about the scourge of Talibans and the need for its defeat to save Pakistan. But it appears that finally the power holders are listening to him as the big operation is atlast going to start. All our best wishes and support to the army and govt Sir. Destry these enemies and their supporters also..thank you.

  4. Finally the operation against fascist and evil Taliban is starting. Best news for the country in the last 10 years or so. These medieval butchers have almost destroyed Pakistan and killed about 50,00 or more people,, also destroyed the economy and image. The army, govt, police and all the people should also finish off and eliminates Talibans supporters, agent, spies, puppets in our cities, including Lashkars, Jihadis terrorists and political fronts and agents like JI, PTi, JUI, madressa, mullahs etc. Well done.

  5. Excellent writing indeed. , correct and exactly people's thoughts. Thanks. Good news if war against these murderers commences, long overdue operation…kill them, no prisoners please…

  6. To put the guns in public hand, more worst the condition would be. Everyone will be crying off in that situation. But it’s the government along with the strongest army in the world who can do this and make us free from such malevolence and take Pakistanis under shadow of peace. I’m hoping, the sun of Peacefulness and prosperity will rise again soon.

  7. Unfortunately, Pakistan has neither the will power nor the money to take over these Taliban criminals. Pakistani now has bad relationships with virtually all its neighbours for various reasons. The media and the press has given so much space to these barbarians like Maulana Abdul Aziz, Sami ul Haq, Munawar Hasan and the others of the same ilk that they have confused the Pakistanis. Of course, Imran is also helping a lot to confuse the minds of the young. The only way to eradicate these butchers is possible with American traing on counter insurgency and a lot of dedicated funding. But Pakistan with its hate speech has screwed with the Americans too.

  8. @TAKhan… you are absolutely right…why our media, people, govt etc have given so much space and leeway to the backward, repressive , anti progress forces of religious fanaticism. Now the only option is to first start to crush these murderous Talibans and Lashkars etc, then JI, and others. If we don't fight them wit everything then our country and with it the people are doomed definitely. We will have no future as Mr Kamal states.

  9. Very good article and discussion. My big question is that why are we so afraid of an army operation to defend our country? Why our people keep it debating about it endlessly. Its not a World War. Its not the end of the world. Why cant we finish off this Taliban enemy of a few thousand. What is the big deal. Just fight and attack them and defeat them, we have a big, efficient army. Only after defeating these bullies can Pakistan move forward, but not before, as the writer says correctly. There have been hundreds of such operations in the world, not abig deal. Are we chicken and also stupid and self destructive?

  10. Fully agree.. Baatil say darnay walay, ay aasman nahin hum…

    Only cowards are confused Madam….eliminate them NOW, NOW

  11. This is the most coward govt and the most buzdil PM in Pakistan history. Shame on PLMN. Of course JI and PTI are the agents of the enemy Taliban. Only MQM and PPP to some extent have the guts….This is the truth. Pakistani patriot.

  12. @Marvi. Right on the dot. If our state and the forces had confronted these psyco fanatics 5 or 6 years ago, we would not having this problem and would have saved thousands of our precious lives. The whole world has never seen such a cowardly state I think.. All the nations laugh and pity Pakistan….

  13. Talibans/Jihadis/Islamists have destroyed our country's economy, its image, its reputation. Do we have to wait until Quaid's Pakistan is no more? Very weak, stupid, dumb, corrupt, cowardly government…like the enemy right NOWour buzdil politicians except Bilawal and Altaf…Attac

  14. yes, attack these terrorists savages and eliminate them in FATA and in our cities…take no prisoners since we don't have jails, food and guards and resources for pensioners..Allah is with you.

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