This hand has been teasing Munawar!


– JI chief says hidden hand wants to sabotage government, taliban talks

Definitely some hidden hand wanted to sabotage the Government-Taliban talks before these reached a decisive stage, said Jamaat e Islami Ameer Syed Munawar Hasan in a statement issued from Mansoora on Monday.

He stressed upon the government to thoroughly investigate the Mehmand agency incident besides the Taliban’s allegation that their colleagues were being killed. He said that no side could be believed as such.

Expressing deep grief over the killing of 23 FC men, Syed Munawar Hasan said that certain forces in the country could not see the talks to be successful, and were trying their best to pit the Pak army against the Taliban which would result in large scale bloodshed. He however warned that a military operation would be disastrous.

He said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had himself admitted that whenever the talks reached an important stage, there were some incidents from some hidden power which disrupted the process.

The JI chief said that a meeting of the Taliban Shoora had been continuing on Sunday and they were to inform of some important decision. The Taliban had even talked of ceasefire when the unfortunate killing of the FC men took place.

He urged both sides to show extreme tolerance and prudence and sit together to carry the talks forward. He said the government committee should have had meeting with the Taliban committee according to the schedule and the Mehmand agency incident should have been discussed there.


  1. Yes let’s “tolerate” these murderers. JI only complains if army acts. They urge restraint though if TTP butchers soldiers. JI and TTP are two sides of the same coin.

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