You’re so cute, Meher


But stick to being a doll, will you please?


Meher Bukhari (now Meher Abbasi) is one of the most famous journalists in Pakistan, as far as Google Analytics is concerned. However, this has got nothing to do with her journalistic expertise. Meher ranks prominently in Google Images according to searches in Pakistan. It’s obviously because Meher is pretty cute and has a lot going on for her as far as the physical appearance is concerned. However, Meher took her cuteness up a few notches on February 5, after she did that show on ‘talks with the TTP’, which made a lot of people go, “aww”.

The first aww moment came when Meher confessed that she wouldn’t mind the Shariah, as long as it’s not enforced. She wants a version of Shariah that’s so sweet that it makes “her want to cover herself up and stay at home”.

And I want a version of Shariah which would make me want to be lashed frequently, have my hands cut off and ultimately be stoned to death…

Stockholm Syndrome isn’t too unpopular among women in most Muslim countries but Meher vied to redefine it on a prime time show on national TV. And she gave it a pretty decent shot.

I mean here’s a woman, pretty liberal in her outlook – as Google Analytics, Google Images and quite a few videos confirm – who wants a societal and constitutional upheaval that would make her want to not go out without covering her head; that would make her want to sit at home all day.

A quick Google search by the Taliban would mean that Meher would be dealing with stones and lashes according to the Shariah, whether or not this would make her want to cover herself up and stay at home all day is up for debate. Whether or not this makes her sound ridiculously hypocritical is slightly more obvious.

The second aww moment came when Meher agreed with Maulana Abdul Aziz on the same show that watching dance shows can force men to rape women because they get too excited. Being a rape apologist for TRPs isn’t too bad an idea in Pakistan, but the fact that it’s Meher who pulled it off so nonchalantly, makes the whole thing incredibly cute.

‘Liberal’ women, like Meher, are striving hard for women rights and ensuring feminism doesn’t sound like mythical anthology. Maybe one day Meher will claim that some women actually enjoy rape, like many rape apologists do. If she wants to enjoy living in a patriarchal society, there’s no limit to the brutalities that she would be able to enjoy under the Shariah rule orchestrated by the Taliban. And of course nothing safeguards women rights like the Shariah does.

Meher, sweetheart, we all know you’re a sell out, but please don’t put the freedom of more than half the population of this country at stake for your self-seeking nonsense. Nothing in the world can possible make you want to stay at home or live in a burqa all your life, because you’re too big an attention seeker for that and make too much money through pointless blabbering on TV. So, please don’t utter absolutely grime that might put other women’s life in jeopardy.

You’re a cutie Meher, stick to being a doll, will you please?