Citizens going bonkers over honkers


A number of passenger vehicles moving with honking high-pressure horns on roads in twin cities annoying residents and causing health risks.

Many teen ages have also altered their bikes to produce high sound which lead to mental disorder to the people passing through.

The residents demanded of the authority to devise a mechanism to check this practice.

Shehzad Ali, resident of G-6/2, said that they are living in a quarter at Saddar Road and they cannot sleep because of pressure-horns in vehicles and motorcycles running on the road. He said that use of un-necessary loud-speakers, playing loud music in vehicles at sleeping timing also contributing to noise pollution.

Another resident said that use of high pressure horns also affect the flow of traffic, which can lead to accidents.

A medical practitioner, Dr Asif, said that unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep disturbances and other harmful effects, he added. He said vehicles producing noise pollution should be banned.

According to ISO standards, noise levels on roads should not exceed 70 decibels (db), as it does not damage the ears or harmful for health.

A senior official of Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) said that fine tickets were being given to vehicles and bikers using high pressure horns and producing noise. He said that ITP was also organising workshops for educating the transporters.