The LESCO mafia


I received my domestic electricity bill (Ref. # 09111150709301U) on 25 January, which showed the present reading of my electricity meter 17321 (units). According to the bill, the meter reading was taken on 13 January and the bill was issued on 21 January.

Contrary to that my electricity meter was showing the reading of 17317 (units) when I received the bill. I contacted the concerned SDO on his cell number, which was printed on the bill with an instruction that the officer could be contacted ‘for other (than electricity supply failure) complaints’. I told the officer about the situation and asked him to suggest me the solution. ‘I am not a call center agent, you should file your complaint with 118 (helpline),’ the SDO replied and disconnected the call.

I contacted the said helpline to lodge the complaint, but the customer services agent refused to accept my complaint saying that the helpline is reserved for electricity failure complaints only.

It’s not for the first time that the electricity meter reader of my area recorded over reading. I have already complained about the meter reader’s wrongdoing to the same SDO and I also spoke to the XEN, but none of them paid any heed to the matter. It seems that the meter reader is doing all these things with consent and instructions of the concerned SDO and XEN so that they could cover and manage their power theft and line loss issues by putting more burden on the consumers who have nothing to do with such issues and, of course, I would not be the only one to face this problem.

If the LESCO management and the concerned authorities did take the matter seriously then only remedy available to me would be to deal with the meter reader personally and teach him a lesson that he will never forget.


Sabzazar Scheme, Lahore


  1. Pakistan too cannot hope to have peace in the country without the US support. This would be crucial if the government decided to fight the TTP and other terrorists groups

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