The only option left


TTP they have no place in Pakistan unless it swears by the constitution and law

Whenever the military acts against the militants in their tribal strongholds, their sympathisers in other parts of the country kick up a ruckus. Despite the clarification from security agencies that the Tuesday air raid in North Wazristan had only targeted foreign fighters and some of the notorious TTP killers, JUI-S chief Samiul Haq declared he would no longer act as a government-backed peace broker with the militants despite none having appointed him as such. Not to be left behind Fazlur Rehman condemned the action accusing the military of having targeted innocent people. On Sunday, Fazl demanded that the government immediately announce a ceasefire and give tribal jirgas a chance to negotiate. Interestingly these clerics turned politicians keep mum when the militants kill women and children, attack military personnel or target politicians belonging to other parties. They have never advised the militants to surrender arms, adhere to the law and the constitution and stop launching attacks inside neighbouring countries. They have never condemned the TTP leadership for decimating an entire generation of tribal elders, intimidating the jirgas and rendering them powerless. There is little use of convening jirgas manned by the Tliban supporters.

Had the TTP been interested in parleys it would have pounced upon the offer for talks made by the APC in September. The network instead went on a killing spree. Sometime it was revenge for Waliur Rehman’s death, at other times of Hakimullah Mehsud’s killing. This month alone the militants have launched over 20 terrorist attacks targeting polio vaccinators, unwary people going about their work, an ANP leader, a school boy protecting his school, children playing outside their homes, Shia pilgrims, workers in a TV channel, army men, paramilitary troops, Levy personnel and policemen. Neither Fazlur Rehman nor Samiul Haq condemned the TTP leadership for the cold-blooded assassinations.

The only option left now is to go after the killers wherever they are hiding. The strike by helicopter gunships on Monday was required to make the militants realise that senseless assassinations won’t be tolerated anymore. The TTP leadership needs to be given a blunt message: they have no place in this country unless they vow to abide by the constitution and act in accordance with the law. Further, there is going to be zero tolerance for anyone raising a private army or resorting to killings under any ruse whatsoever.

The absence of Nawaz Sharif from the NA session indicates that the PML-N as a party has yet to evolve a consensus on how to deal with the militants. The party has failed to go beyond platitudes and generalities, instead of providing the much needed leadership with a clear cut message. This would strengthen the perception that many in the ruling party still remain wedded to extremist views.


  1. Until the very people who voted this useless government into power hold this government accountable,this drama will go on.Although the government started this operation a few hundred deaths too late but I guess its never too late,granted the government stays focused in rooting out this menace and doesn’t get talked into or forced into talks again.There is only one way to get rid of TTP,and the army is doing it,but this government must remain committed to these operations and keep the army involved.Ultimately,I hold this government accountable whether its the energy crisis or the terrorism in the country.Enough talking Sharif’s,now its time to walk the talk.

  2. The PM is fiddling while Pakistan burns…terrorist TTP has killed thousands and more everyday….and Pakistan is trying to decide if they should talk to them or not?….what a confused country?…this is what happens when you mix religion with politics…mass murderers are given safe haven because they say they are Islamic…they are not Islamic they are just murderers and should be treated as murderers…

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