Indian high commissioner calls on Punjab CM


The Indian High Commissioner‚ T C A Raghavan called on Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Lahore on Monday.

In the meeting, they exchanged views on bilateral relations between India and Pakistan and issues of mutual interest.

Shahbaz Sharif said in the meeting that India and Pakistan will have to forget the past and resolve issues through talks.

Time has arrived that both countries should fight in economic arena; wars did not give anything, accept disaster, he said.

Raghavan said on the occasion that they want to have ties like good neighbors with Pakistan.


  1. Happy New Year 2014 – to all the Indians – from Pakistan with Love

    While wishing all the Indians a very happy and prosperous new year 2014, we would like to inform everyone in India that if at all we have to be friends, then that friendship must be in true sense; and we must not act and behave with each other in a hypocritical manner.

    We would also like to assure the Indians that even if we wanted we can’t conquer India. At the same time even if India wanted, it can’t pull down Pakistan, without India being destroyed as well.

    So, why to waste our time and energies in an imaginary hatred policies. Why to waste our precious resources, in being the prisoners of our foolish past.

    From the first day of the new year 2014, let us bury our bitter past and be friends in true sense, like all the European countries.

    Ring out the old, ring in the new,
    Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
    The year is going, let him go;
    Ring out the false, ring in the true.

    Let us have a genuine peace. Let India remove all its strike forces corp from the border without any fear. Let us join hands to wage a war against poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. Let us turn this subcontinent a bastion of peace and a heaven on earth.

    Ring out false pride in place and blood,
    The civic slander and the spite;
    Ring in the love of truth and right,
    Ring in the common love of good.

    Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
    Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
    Ring out the thousand wars of old,
    Ring in the thousand years of peace.

    India and Pakistan just need a period of single decade of genuine peace to turn around its fortunes to emerge as the most potent economic and cultural power house of this world. The only condition is the genuine and authentic peace like the one which exists in between the EU countries.

    Don’t be afraid of problems between the two countries, because they will remain for ever, but we have to give priority to peace over the problems.

    New Year Resolution – From Pakistan With Love to All the Indians
    While wishing all the Indians a very happy and prosperous new year 2104, we would like to inform everyone in India that if at all we have to be friends, then that friendship must be in true sense; and we must not act and behave with each other in a hypocritical manner.

    We would also like to assure the Indians that even of we wanted we can’t conquer India. At the same time even if India wanted, it can’t pull down Pakistan, without India being destroyed as well.

    So, why to waste our time and energies in an imaginary hatred policies. Why to waste our precious resources, in being the prisoners of our foolish past.

    From the first day of the new year 2014, let us bury our bitter past and be friends in true sense, like all the European countries.

    Ring out the old, ring in the new,
    Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
    The year is going, let him go;
    Ring out the false, ring in the true.

    Let us have a genuine peace. Let India remove all its strike forces corp from the border without any fear. Let us join hands to wage a war against poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. Let us turn this subcontinent a bastion of peace and a heaven on earth.

    Ring out false pride in place and blood,
    The civic slander and the spite;
    Ring in the love of truth and right,
    Ring in the common love of good.

    Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
    Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
    Ring out the thousand wars of old,
    Ring in the thousand years of peace.

    India and Pakistan just need a period of single decade of genuine peace to turn around its fortunes to emerge as the most potent economic and cultural power house of this world. The only condition is the genuine and authentic peace like the one which exists in between the EU countries.

    Don’t be afraid of problems between the two countries, because they will remain for ever, but we have to give priority to peace over the problems.

    Let us make a new start from the beginning of the new year 2014, with the slogan – Long live the friendship of the teeming millions of India and Pakistan.

  2. An open letter to the Indian PM Manmohan Singh

    Dear Mr. Manmohan Singh,


    We in Pakistan, really appreciate your desire to visit Pakistan, as informed by you today, in your first press conference in three years.

    In this regard, I would like to suggest to the current leadership of both the countries, to take advantage of the conducive atmosphere prevailing in the region; and let India and Pakistan try a NEW APPROACH towards the peace: by first deciding upon a list of such core thorny issues, which are complicated and can only be resolved after full confidence between the two nations is restored; and freeze all such issues or problems, for a short period of just one decade.

    In the meantime, India and Pakistan should restore full friendly relations, by genuinely restoring cooperation in all fields of economic activities, visa free to and fro, travel of citizens of both the countries, facilities for the businessmen of the two nations for opening of trade offices, banks, business shops and show rooms in each others country, removal of all restrictions on cultural and sports teams visits and full permission of the TV channels, to be viewed in each other’s country.

    It will be just of a sorts of a no war pact for a limited period of ten years. It is expected it may work wonders, like a magic, in the economic emancipation of the teeming millions of both the countries.

    Mr. Manmohan Singh, hope you know very well that ordinary people of both the countries are fed up with the acrimony between the two closest neighbours; and earnestly desire hundreds of years of peace, for which the only impediment, is the lack of statesmen and visionary people in the policy making arena of both the countries.

    Now, your and our leadership has got a golden chance of a life time, to jointly work for the peace of about 1.5 billion humanity.

    Please extend your hands to meet the gestures of genuine peace, already offered by the Pakistani PM Mr. Nawaz Sharif, to make the dream of peace aspirations of the hundreds of millions of residents of the sub continent, come true.

    Remember, may be this golden chance for the peace between the two nations if missed, may not come again in the decades.

    Also please inform all those military and political planners in your country, not in favour of genuine peace with Pakistan that low intensity war or other covert hostile methods, are no more a long or short term options for, as well as, against any nuclear power(s). All such paradigms are out dated in the ultimate nuclear scenario. Such policy planners have no business to stay in the past non-nuclear status frame of mind; and they must develop a NEW and FRESH vision, to guide a major nuclear nation, like India.

    Policy makers of nuclear powers must not have a mindset of a non nuclear state. And the foremost responsibility of these policy makers must be to ensure, at all costs, that under ALL circumstances nuclear flare up or provocation has to be ruled out: irrespective of the defined policy of no first use of nuclear weapons or retaliatory use of WMD’s.

    Last but not the least, it must be a very clear objective of the leadership of both the countries, to ensure that India and Pakistan must not live like divided Korea, rather, we should live, like the united Europe.

    Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for a very Happy New Year 2014.

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