Evidence of ethnic killings in South Sudan emerges


Evidence of alleged ethnic killings are emerging in South Sudan during more than a week long clashes in the country.

Reports from the capital Juba quoted witnesses as saying more than 200 people, mostly belonging to ethnic group Nuer, have been killed by security forces belonging to Dinka ethnic group.

Hundreds of people have already died during the last week in fighting between rival factions of the army troops across the country.

Clashes began a week back when President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy, Riek Machar, of a failed coup, with rebels supporting Machar taking hold of the major towns of Bor and Bentiu,in north of Juba.



  1. You should bother to ask "those that know" – Bentiu has been taken by Machar Forces – that is his hometown, therefore expected. Bor has been taken by his RIVAL Peter Gadet, also from the same tribe. If Peter Gadet moves to Bentiu he will fight Machar. DO not follow "Western Press" blindly – they are wrong !

  2. The witness will not be blames for having told the story but reporters was interesting on one-side for her own interest. for professional journalists do publish a balance stories.she did not find out what happen in Bentiu and in Bor as Peter mentioned above.
    the street of Bor town is full of dead bodies mostly the Dinka who were being killed by Nuer . i think this reporter should have gather all information from both side before publishing.

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