Polio vaccination proof mandatory for India travel


India announced a mandatory proof of vaccination against polio from January 30 next year for both adults and children travelling from Pakistan to India, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

The new measure will also apply to Indian nationals travelling to and from countries where polio is endemic.

“The step is being taken to safeguard India’s polio-free status attained after sustained efforts and investment,” a statement from the Indian High Commission in Islamabad stated. “It is applicable to all travellers from all countries where polio disease is endemic or where cases of polio are reported,” it said.

With this measure in place, Pakistani travellers will have to carry their vaccination records while travelling to India, or face being turned back from their port of entry.

Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are the only three countries where polio remains endemic.

According to the Indian High Commission’s statement, travellers need to take the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) at least six weeks before their departure to India but not more than a year before the trip.

In October this year, an outbreak of polio reported among young children in northeast Syria was said to be “probably originating in Pakistan” the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The organization pointed out that this spread of the virus poses a threat to millions of children across the Middle East.

“We know a polio virus from Pakistan was found in the sewage of Cairo in December. The same virus was found in Israel in April, also in the West Bank and Gaza. It… is putting the whole Middle East at risk quite frankly,” Bruce Aylward, WHO assistant director-general for polio, emergencies and country collaboration had said.

Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world where the highly infectious disease which cripples limbs remains endemic.

“Last year there were a total of 58 cases, but 62 fresh victims of polio have already been reported in 2013,” a senior government official, who works with international donors working to eradicate polio said in a report last month.

Opposition from militant groups has hampered efforts to vaccinate children against polio in Pakistan and officials said violence was part of the reason for the increase in cases.


  1. Pakistanis should not be allowed to travel any where is the world regardless to any vaccination. They are mentally and morally sick people and also extremely dangerous.

  2. The eugenicists vaccinated the children of India.. 47,500 are now paralyzed. Only a few weeks in to the "vaccine" program in Syria, the "outbreak" has begun with 17 children having been paralyzed.. the numbers WILL explode. Pakistan suspended the vaccination program in their country concluding, "Polio vaccines… are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.” In Africa, thousands of children devastated by crippling disabilities or death after receiving these militarized vaccines.
    UNICEF, World Health Org, Big Pharma's political & corporate profits pour in on both ends.. they also get to "treat all the syndromes that develop—later if not immediately—earning tidy sums under the snake oil promise that vaccines prevent disease or protect against them; Leaving behind "a generation of toddlers who will become immuno-suppressed and may even lose their ability to procreate! Just look at the US rates of autism, allergies, Epstein Barr, other immuno-suppressed diseases and rates of neurological disorders."
    See: http://www.activistpost.com/2013/12/war-on-syria-begins-...
    Read: "Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’" by F. William Engdahl

  3. Hi,

    When will you travel from one country to another country than travel vaccination is an important thing for you. The atmosphere of another country that you visit is different and you must need to take vaccination according to that country. In this post, the children of India and Pakistan must take polio vaccination when they travel each other country.

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