Musharraf’s trial


Pakistan has suffered, with its economy in tatters with the lives and property of citizens insecure, because of follies of usurpers like Zia, Musharraf and few political opportunists, who have brought into disrepute the institution of our armed forces. Both Musharraf and Zia were promoted, not on merit, but through maneuvering, for which blame also lies on civilian rulers who chose to violate merit. They were not worthy of uniform that they adorned because professionally they had mediocre capabilities. Unlike mighty Caesar who having captured half the world, chose to bow before the people of Rome, Musharraf often raised his fists in a threatening posture while addressing his countrymen. Under his watch politics of violence, ethnicity and sectarian strife nurtured, while land mafia, criminal mafia and tax evasion was patronised. He trampled constitution twice and gained notoriety by ridiculing judiciary, in the process destroying state institutions, promoting a culture where morality, ethics and law became subordinate to his whims. No individual is indispensable or more important than the state.

Anarchy prevails in a country when the writ of law does not prevail. In the opinion of legal experts his trial and prosecution for the Nov 3 act, being more feasible, will restore the supremacy of constitution.




  1. Mush was a coward, who bent on a phone from US Under Sec, but behaved like a brutal dictator when dealing with his own citizens. He should pay for his sins

  2. In Msharraf time only 4 attask were recorded where as in PPP regime on every month 2-3 attaches were done .why did not stop them,why present govt is not doing this?.His trial should be initiated not be selective . free and open trial should be done.This is question of Pakistan armed forces image in entire world because he was army chief

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