The rhetoric of martyrdom


This useless rhetoric revolving around the martyrdom of the brutal killer that Hakimullah Mehsud was, is nauseating but seems to be an extension of the famous ‘endian’ debate in Gulliver’s Travels, Swift’s political satire.

It is when one fails to provide logical and informed arguments, one employ the use of disgusting controversies of such trivial kind. This kind of nauseating ignorance and immorality on the part of the political elite has unfortunately become a national trait.

What can one expect where the annual spending by dignitaries exceeds that of the annual budget of the education sector at a time when our youth comprises of more than 60 percent of the population? The only means of changing our pathetic state of affair is to prioritize education and learning otherwise things may go below rock bottom.




  1. No religious leader has the moral or political authority to give certificate of martyrdom to a criminal , who had killed thousands of humsan beings. The obvious reference of the Professor Kabil Khan was to statements of Munnawar Hassan, and Fazal ur Rehman. The whple pf Pakistan knows about their divisive politics and sectarian viewes.

    These statements are objectionable and an insult to the intellect of the people. These Maulvis have crossed the limit and committed a glaring Sin. They should ask Allah's forgiveness. They have mislead the public and gone against the injunctons of the Holy scripture. I appeal theother religious Scholars to speak out against such acts of these two religious ignoramasis.

    Javaid Bashir

  2. what they have learnt from Quran and Hadith,they don"t bring in practice.No body in this world has moral authority to declare about Martyrdom.Pak foj sacrifices their life to defend the country,to defend our freedom ,We must show respect honour for them.May Allah save our pak army from the evils eys of enemies. I request to all ulemas to come forward and reply syed Munawer statement given against our forces

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