Statesmanship is the answer


Instead of an infantile, irresponsible approach

After the most recent attempt by Pakistan and the US to reset a fraught relationship, the gains achieved must not be allowed to go down the drain. Statements like redefining the ties between the two countries or of blocking the NATO traffic reflect an infantile approach to a highly serious issue. They have led to an equally irresponsible reaction from sections of the US media which has called them ‘another stab in the back’ and a ’double game’. An apologetic attitude by the government would not do. It has to tell the militants that the incident had nothing to do with the talks but was the outcome of the longstanding beef between the US and the TTP chief.

The people of Pakistan have suffered terribly during Hakimullah Mehsud’s tenure as the TTP supremo. The period from the late 2009 onwards saw an unprecedented surge in the ruthless killing of innocent people in the tribal areas and all the four provinces. Hundreds of people died in bombings and suicide attacks irrespective of whether they belonged to majority denomination or the religious and sectarian minorities. The attacks on the shrines of widely respected saints that included Syed Ali Hajveri, Sakhi Sarwar and Abdullah Shah Ghazi were followed by attacks on the Christian community, Shias in Quetta and Karachi and Ahmadis in Lahore. Accusing the army of first inducing them in Jihad and then letting them down, the militants targeted the military institution itself along with some of its highly costly and irreplaceable assets. A double dealing TTP had no qualms of conscience as it tried to forge an anti-Pakistan alliance with Karzai whom the Afghan Taliban are never tired of denouncing as a US protégé.

The majority of Pakistanis have no soft corner for Hakimullah. Conscious of the fact, even the extremist fringe is condemning the drone attack for its possible fallout on talks with the TTP rather than cry over Mehsud’s death. Despite the TTP being in disarray on account of its inner dissensions fear stops the general public from expressing its sense of relief. The prime minister needs to voice the feelings of the silent majority. Childish and futile proposals like stopping the NATO supplies have to be discouraged. While taking effective measures to provide security to the common man, the militants should be told to come to the negotiating table to resolve the issues within the parameters of the constitution.