India to launch maiden mission to Mars on 5th


Indian media reported on Saturday that the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) launch authorization board has cleared the launch of India’s maiden mission to Mars Mangalyaan on Tuesday November 5 from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh state.

ISRO spokesperson said that the 56 hour countdown for take-off will start early morning on Sunday and ISRO will ignite its giant 45-meter rocket on Tuesday, launching India’s maiden journey to Mars.

The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket and satellite are fully dressed up and ready at India’s space port in Sriharikota.

The two ships SCI Yamuna and Nalanda which were delayed due to bad weather have reached their destination in the Pacific. These ships will monitor the health of the rocket and satellite. The launch of Mangalyaan satellite, which was scheduled for October 28 initially, was postponed due to bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.

The Mangalyaan mission will cost Indian Rs 450 crores and will study the Martian atmosphere.


    • not Chinese , they are north korean missiles , Mr Q.khan ..gave the koreans the tech to fuse atoms and the centrifuge and in return they gave blue prints for missile technology !

  1. I hope that now Pakistan would realise that India's Missile program and space program are not Pakistan centric. Earlier, Pakistan used to test one missile bought from China whenever India test its Agni series missiles. Instead of wasting money by testing chinese missiles, Pakistan should consider true friendship with India and please India in such a way that Indian Government should remove the fencing at the pakistan border.

  2. @Satty Very good progress have a good journey to Mars here in ir pakistan we do get at start some help from our friends like all other countries! but now we are our own in Missile & Atomic reserch R&D is local with very good pakistani Scientists comming to relations India & China are practical friends now! like Germany & France why not Pakistan & India we need to respect each other Pakistan & India has lots of Atomic Bombs & more guess what next business maybe friendship but it will take time after inshaAllah

    • .
      If the good mind prevails, there's no reason that can't happen now …
      Public education and open mind are the catalyst …
      Politics, religion (extremism) and vested interests are the impediments …

    • .
      India has nothing to loose if Pakistan prospers …
      Pakistan has nothing to loose if India prospers …
      Border becomes (practically) invisible like the one between US and Canada …

      • Brother Anon I agree with you 100% Indian people and Pakistani people should get ride of corrupt sharabi politicians and sharabi army.

    • well said jamshed you are a true diplomat would like to do something for the welfare of Pakistan…we Indians are not your enemy..we fought together for independence..we can have business deal together to revive our relations so that we can share our technologies each other in certain areas like medical,agriculture, education,eradication of poverty and lot more

  3. People from either country don't want any disputes,Its few from our side and most of politicians from your side.

  4. let all country go towards world peace and help each other and gain more success in science technology and drive away the evil things

  5. today in competing with india pakistan has tested a chinese missile witha range of whopping 60 kms in name of f….r 9. the launching vehicles for satellites which travels thousands of kilometers can travel in a projectile path which means it can converted as a long range missile and to thwart cold start doctrine by india dumb brain pakistan has bought from chinese companies with miniature nuclear warheads we will send tanks which is operated automatically and that we will send in fertile lands like how they do for anti-tank test in your territory this superb brain policy maker will fire this missile will destroy your fertile land into nuclear waste land which cant be used for generations please think and test some new weapons.

  6. There is no use competing each other. We should remove the age old hostilities in our minds, and start working like friends, for the welfare of all.

  7. Pakistan always answers with indian Missille test with chinese made missiles now they are going to launch a satelite with help of China " Mission To SUN" on 8th Nov. 2013
    Best of Luck Pakistan….

  8. Loving hoiw these two paki and Indo taking … its so good to see peace ! screw dirty politicians and extremists.

  9. Good to see some healthy and friendly talk between pakistani and indians. Keep it up guys, we can write our own future, extremists and politicians just fill their pockets by spreading hatred. Time has come to bankrupt them by establishing peace and harmony between our countries. I've never hated pakistan, hatred will only bring war and war will bring destruction. None of us want that.

  10. Good .. we are having friendly discussion.. I would like to say Pakistan public refuse all the books in school taught you about india is enemy and all this crap that Pakistan government made to brain wash innocent public. There no such material in indian education system. Which can be checked online. So come together and show the world you both can do it. Love to all

  11. its been great to see friendly talk between india and pakistan. Hope we'll live like European countries in future, practically with no fencing.

  12. its great achievement of indian scientist India is the fourth nation mars mission . india having best scientist n best technology .

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