The TTP’s real face


Exposed, but where are its apologists?

What many had suspected finally stands exposed. Islam and Sharia, and establishing a Khilafa on the lines of medieval-age monarchies, was just a ruse. The TTP and its band of nearly 70 other terrorist organizations, making it a conglomerate without compare anywhere else in world, were guns for hire, pure and simple. We should have acknowledged it after the attack on the GHQ, the Kamra and Mehran bases and the attack on the Sri Lankan team. Now this is so ‘in-your-face’ that it cannot, should not be ignored. Here is why. The TTP’s second in command Latifullah Mehsud was captured by the US forces in Afghanistan on a tip-off when he was being ushered to Kabul in an Afghan army convoy to hold talks with Hamid Karzai’s intelligence apparatchiks. Why was this ‘enemy’ of the Karzai (whom the Taliban mother organization, the original Afghan variety, calls ‘a US agent’) government by extension for being a facilitator and supporter to the Afghan Taliban hobnobbing with the Afghan intelligence? He was there, it is reported, to fine-tune in secret talks the Taliban commitment as a proxy of the Afghan government to unleash attacks with intent to destroy and devastate the Pakistani state, its soldiers, civilians, assets, installations and interests!

It has been three weeks and a bit since Mehsud was captured, on Oct 5 to be precise, by the US forces and everybody from the TTP’s many apologists amongst the politicians to the Pakistani government and establishment, has remained eerily quiet. So has been the otherwise shrill electronic media, with the only reports emanating from The Washington Post and The New York Times. If anything, there is a need on the part of the supporters of dialogue with this implacable hydra-headed enemy that has already wreaked more havoc and destruction on this hapless nation than ‘Enemy No 1’ India to take a serious note of this development.

What a travesty: despite being attacked by India through terrorists, Pakistan’s plight owing to its image is such that it neither can raise its voice in protest nor can it retaliate in the same manner. And now the Afghans are at it. The moral of the story: what you can do unto others, others can also find ways to do unto you – especially if they are better resourced. So beware, Pakistan’s security establishment, the anvil and hammer plan is already at work. No prizes for guessing the entity on the anvil!