Follies may entrap Assad again


Bashar al-Assad has only escaped a dreadful end. His fate might have delayed for the time being, but not skipped. It depends upon what he does now. The credit must be given to President Putin but much of the credit goes to Saudi Arabia that exposed it to Moscow man. Observers also give credit to Assad for his standing to odds and fighting to forces of rebellion. He proved himself strong. But events proved him to be lucky as well. Otherwise what he is trying to justify now is bound to lead to controversies.

He dealt a blow to a US-Russian initiative for a peace conference, in an interview, saying the factors were not in place for it to be successful. “No time has been set, and the factors are not yet in place if we want (the initiative dubbed Geneva 2) to succeed,” Assad told Lebanese television channel Al-Mayadeen. “Which forces are taking part? What relation do these forces have with the Syrian people? Do these forces represent the Syrian people, or do they represent the states that invented them?” Assad asked in typically defiant fashion. One would also advise Assad not to go for running the 2014 election and leave it to the people of Syria to choose someone else other than him. America is the enemy that never forgets its ‘friends’, and Russia may not come to rescue next time.

