FPCCI backs Government efforts to curb violence in Karachi


The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) on Saturday lauded the recent initiatives of the government to ensure peace in Karachi which is a prerequisite for the national development.

The government seems serious in restoring peace by clearing the economical hub of Pakistan of the criminal gangs which have targeted the business community since long and made life difficult for all the sections of society, said Zubair Ahmed Malik, President FPCCI.

Speaking to the business community, he said that the authorities must ensure that the amendments to the anti-terrorism law are seriously implemented without compromising the civil rights and the necessary safeguards against abuse of power.

Government initiatives will not work if police remained demoralized and witnesses, prosecutors, lawyers and judges continued to operate in an environment of fear, he warned.

Zubair Ahmed Malik said that the operations have been launched in the past with little success owing to lack of planning and absence of will among some decision makers preferring the political considerations over the law and order that compromised growth and triggered the flight of capital and an exodus of industry.

He said that the complex issues of the city of bright lights cannot be resolved by amendments in laws, imposing curfew or recovery of illegal weapons; the key to sustainable peace lies in improving the morale of the police force if political violence is to be controlled.

Image of the police force also needs to be boosted otherwise the security scenario would remain the same and probably go from bad to worse because the police could not maintain neither the law nor the order without the cooperation of the local population, he observed.

Zubair Ahmed Malik said that the police officers lack everything they require to discharge duties according to the expectations of the masses and the government.

Police are thoroughly ill equipped, their working conditions are deplorable and the involvement of politicians from recruitment to retirement has shaken the foundations of this significant department, he added.

Expecting police to meet the threats and protect the life and property of the people in existing situation is nothing but self-deception.

Bringing the killers of policemen to book is imperative to send a strong message of zero tolerance to the emboldened criminals including the ‘Bhatta’ and ‘Parchi’ mafia, said Malik.

Coordination and proper monitoring system are very important to ensure peace on a lasting basis as development, peace and prosperity of Pakistan it tied to peace in the mini Pakistan.


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