580 petrol pumps found guilty of hoarding


As many as 580 petrol pumps of oil marketing companies were found involved in hoarding out of a total 2,514 inspected by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) during the last three years. According to official sources in the ministry of petroleum and natural resources, as many as 310 petrol pumps were caught involved in hoarding out of total 810 inspected in 2010. As many as 140 petrol pumps were caught involved in hoarding out of 850 in 2011. However, the OGRA detected 40 petrol pumps involved in hoarding from 284 inspected from January to June 2013. The OGRA has also asked the provincial governments to take strict action against the hoarders. The Hydro Carbon Development Institute (HDIP) has established regional offices in all the provinces and the OGRA also directed the HDIP to check and control hoarding of POL products at the Oil Marketing Company’s (OMC) outlets.