Spanish sea-monster has scientists in a fix


Call it a hoax or the real deal all you like – this apparent sea monster is the stuff nightmares are made of!
Washed up on the beach of Spain’s Villaricos, it quickly became clear that whatever the hell this thing is it was indeed once a living creature. With rotting flesh scatted in bits and pieces along its terrifying frame, this was something even the most ardent skeptics couldn’t deny.
Four meters in length, a clear set of huge horns to one end and a bizarre white body paint a picture of the kinds of mythical creatures we’re used to only seeing in the pages of fantasy novels – and it’s still unclear as to what it is we’re looking at.
Official from the area are apparently just as baffled as we are.
”We have no idea what it can be, but it smelled bad, because it was so badly decomposed,” said Maria Sanchez, a Civil Protection Coordinator for the area, first reported by Digital Spy. “A lady found one part, and we helped her retrieve the rest… We have no idea what it was. It really stank, as it was in the advanced stages of decomposition.”
There are of course plenty of theories floating round as to what it might turn out to be, most of which are decidedly less interesting than the idea of a real-life sea monster washing up on the beach.
“A few people have said it could be the backbone of a shark with the rest of it decaying away,” said a Marine Biological Association representative.
“Really we would need a vertebrae to properly identify it. If it was a shark it would have cartilage skeleton as opposed to bone,”
“As for the horns – it’s pretty inconclusive. No one knows of anything with horns in the sea. From the picture you wonder if it is even part of the creature.”


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