Rockets fired from Syria hit Lebanon


Sixteen rockets fired from Syria have struck the eastern region of Baalbek, Lebanese security officials said.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the rockets caused a fire in fields without casualties.

The area that was struck is a stronghold of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group that is fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces against rebels who are trying to remove him from power.

Rebels have fired dozens of rockets on Lebanon’s northeastern region of Hermel over the past weeks but Saturday’s attack was the first on Baalbek.

Syria’s two-year civil war has spilled over to Lebanon where fighters who back and oppose Assad have clashed, leaving scores dead and wounded in recent months.


  1. Both the Syrian regime and the opposition should remember that they are going to account for all their deeds to He Who created them (Allah). You are killing yourselves just for material things of this world ignoring what Allah (SWT) and Prophet Muhammed (SAW) say that “one should not kill”. What a terrible atrocity! A Muslim killing a Muslim. But remember the reward for this atrocity is Hell-fire, no remedy. Do you want this reward? So stop the Killings and maintain justice because this world is ephemeral but the Hereafter is eternal.

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