No quick fix solution to load shedding, Nawaz tells nation


Prime minister-designate Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday advised the nation not to expect an immediate solution to the prevalent power crisis, but said his government would take every possible step to overcome the energy crisis in the country.

Addressing a ceremony on occasion of “Yaum-e-Takbeer”, the 15th anniversary of Pakistan going nuclear, Nawaz said Pakistan had become the seventh nuclear power 15 years ago, but the condition of the nation did not represent a nuclear power.

“One should not expect the new government to resolve the issue of load shedding overnight. However, a visible change will be seen after short term measures of the new government,” he said, urging the people to be patient and wait for improvement in power supply.

The future PM said despite being a nuclear power, Pakistan was facing the worst power crisis that he believed was shameful and it needed to be seen why the great country had gone to the edge of destruction.

He said power load shedding had worsened the economic situation as business, industry and economy had been destroyed while the life of a common man had become troubled.

Nawaz said that power plants that ran on coal and bagasse would take three to four years to be functional, adding that he would talk to friendly countries like China and Turkey to help Pakistan in the energy sector.

He said during his last tenure, the economy of Pakistan was better than India’s and other countries in the region, while Pakistani currency was also stronger than that of neighbouring countries.

Nawaz vowed to take all challenges seriously and drag the country out of all crises. He said although the country was facing grave challenges‚ the new government would steer the country out of them.

He thanked the nation for making a mature decision to give clear cut majority to the PML-N.

“The PML-N will work with all seriousness to resolve the issues. I hope the new government will be able to improve the situation within days‚ not months or years. People will see a change very soon after we take charge of the government on June 5,” said Nawaz.

About the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s recent visit, Nawaz said he was told by the visiting dignitary that his name was very familiar with every house in China. “The people of China consider you as a close friend and they will like to work with you closely,” he quoted Li as telling him.


  1. pakistan has major hurdles to over come to eliminate load sheddings. # 1- fuel – gas for the gas turbines, oil for oil fired turbines and coal for the coal fired units. Other major problems, all the generators need major repairs and over hauls . These are the problems just the start. Additionally, the generating capacity needs to be added to catch up with load growths. These are the problems at the generating end. The transmission and distribution systems are in just as bad shape as the generation is. Overall billions of dollars are needed and pakistan government is broke. In the next few years, expect marginal improvements and continued load shedding. Imran khan and Asad umar would have been able to over come these hurdles, because they are dynamic and people trust them. These Mian brothers are good at one thing, serving themselves . Nothing good to look forward to.

  2. I see this as Nawaz not making empty and unrealistic promises,we all know,at least the people with some sense that you cannot over come a crisis like the energy over night or in few months.Its a long term process,part of the process also needs to include figuring out how to fix the electricity stealing by may be going door to door and installing new meters and getting rid of the old system where people just hook their wires and get free electricity while people who pay have to bare the burden of load shedding and paying higher prices.In the long run,it will be cost effective granted the country is loosing billions each month from the theft.Like everything else,this needs new aproach and solutions.And by the way,Imran Khan may have had some good ideas and may have won the hearts of millions but lets face it,a lot of his ideas were far from reality even though they sound good,like eliminating corruption in half a year.Now I'm not going to sit here and defend the Sharifs from the past but I also understand that reality is that he is the new PM and he is the head guy,so I'm going to give him a chance to show the country what he will accomplish in the next 5 years.If he does well then the people will elect him again,if not then people will go out and vote again.So lets quit whining about the out come of the elections and support the government and keep them honest.Time is a big healer and it will reflect the realities soon enough.

  3. .
    Your brother were saying two years (just before the election) …
    — you were nodding …
    lie, deception or stupidity ???

  4. Depending on gas or oil fired power plants means no power when you run out of money to buy fuels. The RPP's means lots of money for politicians and rouge officials but load shedding for ordinary people. With all natural resources, Pakistan can generate additional 45,000 MW hydro electric power plants not counting unlimited resources for wind and solar power. Sure it will take time but unlimited power can change the country into prosperity. Best wishes if someone implements power generation with natural resources.

  5. drone attack in Miranshah, US gift to NS…lol…shame on Kiyani and Airforce for allowing attack deep in Pakistan territory. Drones humiliating Nuclear armed Islamic republic.


  6. The Shameless coward generals should learn from the poor but brave mujahideen in Afghanistan who stood up and defended their country against two super powers.

  7. I think Nawaz should convince Saudis to pay around 100$b because of his special relations with them

  8. Reality kicked in and they have already started back tracking from promises! what promises ? that was just emotional speeches … to fool you people!
    its time change the name of Shahbaz Sharif or pull the plug sharifs from power!

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