long arms of the law cut to size


An Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) was tortured by a lawyer and his accomplices at Model Town Kachari on Saturday.
According to the report ASI Naeem Raza was interrogating an arrested criminal who was advocate Hassam-ul-Din’s client, who asked the ASI to hasten the investigation and refer the case to the court as he had already taken the fee from the accused. Naeem refused and said that he would completely investigate the case first. The lawyer threatened the police officer and left.
On Saturday, when Naeem went to the Model Town Kachari Hassam-ul-Din and his accomplice forced him to their bar room, injured him badly, robbed his official and private valuables and escaped. After the incident, nearby people took the ASI to General Hospital for medical treatment.
Later, Hassam-ul-Din clamed that the ASI took Rs 20,000 as bribe and misbehaved with him, which is why he torture him.
The police reached the spot and filed a case under section 371/13 of the Pakistan Penal Code against Hassam-ul-Din and his accomplices at the Naseerabad police station.
LESCO line man tortured by electricity deprived locals: Bhatti Gate Sub Division Lahore Electicity Supply Company (LESCO) line man Tariq Javid was badly tortured by the area’s people on Saturday.
According to reports, when the area’s residents came to the LESCO office to register an electricity complaint Tariq told them to wait due to the shortage of workers. They replied angrily that they faced continuous power outages since three days.
Four men named Nadeem, Usman, Hamza and Umer started beating the line man after an exchange of harsh words and injured him badly.
The Lower Mall police reached at spot after a call from the LESCO officials and arrested Tariq’s torturers for further investigation.


  1. Punjab Police deserves this treatment.They lack espirit de corps and the bond that binds a force togather. Tell the Lawyers to do this to a student or an Army Soldier.That would be the last time any Lawyer would ever take Punga even if the supreme Judiciary encourages them to do so.They dare not.

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