IT ministry, HEC collaborate on connecting 100 colleges in Balochistan


The Higher Education Commission (HEC) and the Information Technology (IT) Ministry agreed to avail each other’s information technology experience for developing Pakistan’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector during an IT Ministry delegation’s visit to the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

The delegation was led by IT Federal Secretary Dr Zafar Iqbal Qadir and included IT Additional Secretary Muhammad Ijaz, IT Administration Joint Secretary Ali Asghar, IT Development Joint Secretary Anwar Sheikh, Member Telecom Yasir Qadir, Pakistan Software Export Board Managing Director Ahmad Ranjha, Pakistan Computer Bureau Director General Qaiser Sohail and Electronic Government Directorate Executive Director Rizwan Malik.

HEC Executive Director Dr Mukhtar Ahmed welcomed the delegation and apprised them about the HEC’s working, functions and role in strengthening higher education in Pakistan. He informed that the HEC’s establishment in 2002 heralded a higher education revolution; and the organisation had accomplished more in ten years than was achieved in the first 55 years of Pakistan’s existence. Research output grew eight-fold since 2002 (from 815 in 2002 to 6,200 in 2011) and 90% of Pakistani research publications came from the country’s higher educational institutions (HEIs). Research output more than doubled in the last three years and was expected to double again in the next three.

HEC Chairperson Dr. Javaid R. Laghari said today Pakistan was a regional ICT leader. The Digital Library provided access to 75% of the world’s literature (23,000 e-journals and 45,000 e-books). The HEC’s video conferencing facility has been provided at 79 sites in 32 cities throughout the country. He also informed that due to far reaching reforms in the sector, Pakistani universities have been included among the top world and Asian universities and Pakistan’s higher education model was being followed by other Asian countries.

During the meeting, HEC offered unified communication services; video conferencing facilities and a file tracking system to the ministry. In return, the ministry officials assured their cooperation to the HEC for bringing connectivity to about a hundred colleges in Balochistan.

The delegation appreciated the HEC’s role in bringing effective changes in Pakistan’s ICT sector. They acknowledged that the HEC had functioned efficiently in the last decade and remarked that they were impressed by HEC’s visionary and capable leadership. The HEC’s development strategy to improve teaching and research quality and its work on IT infrastructure and human resource development in Pakistan was exemplary.

HEC General Administration and Coordination Director Mr. Awais Ahmed and HEC IT Director General Mr. Anwar Amjad were also present on the occasion.


  1. There is still lot need to bring around the improvements and favorably after all such actions these will prove to be much better for the students to regard about such elements.

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