One more person crushed under vehicle driven by US diplomat


A US diplomat crushed a Pakistani citizen to death in a road accident on Friday.

According to details, the accident occurred at 7th Avenue, where a speeding BMW car bearing registration number PE-214 crashed into a pedestrian, killing him on the spot. The victim was identified as Zahoor Ahmed, aged 63.

According to the police, the car was driven by US Embassy General Service Officer (GSO) Monica Sajal. Soon after the accident, she managed to flee from the scene. However, later the embassy staff cooperated with the victim’s family and the police.

Rescue officials shifted the victim to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), where doctors pronounced him dead upon. Station House Officer (SHO) of Abpara Police station Abdul Majeed talking to Pakistan Today said that police had started investigation into the case.

He claimed that the car involved in the accident had been impounded.  However, the SHO insisted that the FIR of the incident was being delayed on the request of deceased’s son as he was busy in the funeral of his father.

Meanwhile, in a statement, US embassy said that an accredited US diplomat was involved in a road accident on May 24 on 7th Avenue in the vicinity of Melody Market.

“The embassy employee’s vehicle collided with a pedestrian.  Tragically, the pedestrian died as a result of his injuries.  We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family affected by this tragedy.  We have and will continue to cooperate fully with the appropriate Pakistani authorities on the investigation. We will work through our local insurance company to address financial questions or concerns of those affected.  We express our deepest regret for this terrible accident,” the statement added.

It is relevant to note that during the last few years a number of people have become victims of rash driving of US diplomats. Recently on February 16, 2013 a US embassy vehicle driven by diplomat Lupersio Perez hit a motorcycle, killing one rider on the spot and injuring the other.


  1. not diplomats but Raymond Davises roaming freely but government is always helpless on every such occasions.If government cant defend its nation internally then how can defend its citizens abroad a matter of concern and signs of weak government.There many victims of such crushing by so called diplomats but no serious actions are taken them according to local law and government have given free hand to crush citizens by so called diplomats.This its victim were old man.

  2. Monica Sajal’s name looks Indian. Looks like a RAW agent driving recklessly and killing people as if their lives do not matter.
    Americans are untouchables. Justice is only applicable to Pakistanis and that too in lower classes. Justice has become a joke in Pakistan.
    Son of killed man should not expect to get justice in this case either because our courts are slaves of their foreign masters.

  3. Nawaz Sharif will send Showbaz to console with the deceased family and offer money(the god of Mians) and then call Olson to not to worry.

  4. As long as we are dependent of american air thru IMF ,we remain feeble, our government can not last atleast in economic sense,without IMF bail out pakcage, a nation that has remained overtly or covertly dependent on external sources to keep floating, should not as a matter of right, ckonfront this mighty IMF and remain a slave for all times to come.
    we peoplefo Paksitan want holidays lasting 10 dyas in a stretch, we do not preserve out natural resources, we do not minimize use of enery, to asensible level, we love imported stuff and do not encourage local products, even shampoos are imported, and kid's clothings are imported, we do not have the ability or initiative to make products locally,just take a situation, the moment we buy a locally assembled car, first thing we normally do is to change tyres to an imported brand, we do not like locally made tyres, that is our approach to everyting inlife, I see no stance for people of this country

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