Top 10 uniquely deadly animals in the world


Today, animals of all kinds can be considered dangerous. Some on this list have been known to kill a lot of people. Some of them are beautiful animals. However, looks can kill. All animals listed here are deadly, and some of them were only found to be so in the last decade. You’re going to be stunned by what some of these animals can do.
The Boomslang is a snake that is primarily found in the South African area, but has been known to make its rounds throughout the African continent. It is one of the deadliest snakes in the world for a couple of reasons.
As most people know, snakes don’t typically have the best eyesight. The Boomslang breaks that trend in a major way. They have been known to pick birds right out of the air due to their tremendous sight.
Boomslangs contain a Hemotoxin venom that, when injected, can kill within hours. A person will literally bleed from the inside out. You will bleed from every hole in the body. You’ll even bleed from the ears, eyes, and penis/vagina.
Cone Snail
The Cone Snail is one of those animals that no one thinks about, but it is as deadly as it gets. Usually, one may not even realize they are handling a Cone Snail because the first thing you see is their beautiful shell.
Shell collectors end up picking one up and the snail’s harpoon will stick into the person. What happens next depends on the Cone Snail. Each one has a different poison. The deadly ones have a Neurotoxin that will temporarily paralyze you. Then your body will start to shut down. You will also develop severe respiratory problems. There is no cure for what the Cone Snail puts in your system. Sometimes full blood transfusions are necessary to get rid of the poison.
The Hippo is portrayed in pop culture as fun loving and peaceful. While they are usually peaceful creatures, these 9,000 pound animals are also very territorial. They kill more humans on average each year than all African animals combined. Hippos cannot swim, which is one interesting fact about them. But when they chase you, they will basically run underwater, and they can move around 5 mph. They also don’t tire easy, so you better have good cardio to outswim one. When they get you, you will die.
Poison Dart Frog
The Poison Dart Frogs are known for their beautiful colours. The Dart Frogs are some of the most beautiful creatures you will ever see, and it’s a shame that they are so pretty. People would love to handle them, but should not without proper safety gear.
Dart Frogs have poisonous skin, which can be a big risk. Their secretions are also poisonous. This is how they keep themselves from becoming prey.
The Frog got its name for literal reasons. Tribes have used it to make poison darts/arrows for hundreds of years. It became a household usage, if you will, for tribes in the area. Your skin acts as a filter between the poison and blood. So, obviously some does get in, but not to an extreme level like with an open cut. Some with minor poison won’t kill you even if it’s shot directly into your bloodstream. But again, you will get quite sick.
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
The Yellow Bellied Sea Snake is one of the most beautiful snakes in the world. However, it is as lethal as many. What makes this one stand out?
First of all, it’s normally found in the sea, which is different from most snakes. It hunts at all times of the day, so you’ll find it out and about a lot. They usually never attack humans unless you happen to get too close. Now, the coolest part of this snake is what it packs inside. The toxin basically attacks your system like all other poisonous snakes’ venom does. Yet, there is a twist. It attacks the respiratory system, and you can have an issue with paralysis. Worst of all, the venom attacks all the muscles, too. You can barely move, and you’re in a ton of pain, as well. You wish you were dead.
Blue-Ringed Octopus
The Blue-Ringed Octopus is a gorgeous animal. The average sea diver that looks at these creatures is immediately attracted by the beauty. However, you’ll be in trouble if you don’t keep a safe distance.
The venom contains tetrodotoxin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, hyaluronidase, tyramine, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and dopamine. But inside this animal, the effects of all these combined can be vicious. You will develop paralysis within 5 minutes. The only way to survive is by instant CPR.
Hooded Pitohui
One of the only poisonous birds in the animal kingdom, the Pitohui family of birds are, at times, lethal.
The HP has the exact same effect as Poison Dart Frog, as its skin and feathers are the poisonous part of it.
The most horrible aspect is that the venom found on these birds is the most harmful venom known to mankind. Paralysis and death can occur if the bird delivers a good portion of poison.
Death Stalker Scorpion
Many feel that this scorpion was the possible inspiration for the Scorpion character in Mortal Kombat. Many think it looks like a toy because of its beautiful yellow colouring. Therefore, it never really stands out as a big time threat to some children. This can result in a sting. The poison is lethal, as with many other scorpions.
Number one, their sting has been known to be incredibly painful. Many say it could be the worst of any sting or animal bite. Some have been known to go into shock as a result. Also, the poison can cut off airways. It can kill you if the antivenom is not given soon. According to experts, it could take as little as a few hours. People have reported joint pain and severe headaches for a number of months after the sting.
Puffer Fish
Little is known about them, but the funny thing is that the Puffer Fish is more deadly after its death than during its life. The fish is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. However, if it is not prepared correctly by removing the poison, then one can actually die. Usually, the poison that it delivers can cause your airways to shut. Its poisons are Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin, both of which can be lethal. Tetrodoxin alone can cause rapid heart rate, muscle paralysis, a decrease in blood pressure, numbness, and tingling. Often, the puffer fish’s symptoms can go away in a few hours or days, but medical treatment needs to be given soon.
Lanomia or “Assassin Caterpillar”
It can be almost impossible to even see this creature because it blends into its natural habitat so well. Therefore, humans can encounter it ran It causes “disseminated intravascular coagulation,” which is a fancy way of saying that it makes you bleed and prevents clotting. The poison will also attack human cells. More specifically, it attacks protein cells, causing them to leak and preventing them from clotting. This virtually kills off the platelets. Scientists were baffled as to what changed with this animal, since no well-known attacks happened for millennia. However, a large number of attacks have recently occurred in just the Brazilian area. Something has caused this caterpillar to realize its power, and it’s quickly becoming one of the deadliest animals in the world.