Imran to cooperate with govt on terrorism, major challenges


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday said he would cooperate with the incoming prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, against the menace of terrorism as well as other major challenges facing the country.

Khan made the remarks from his hospital bed, where he is being treated for head and back injuries after falling from a lifter at a campaign rally.

“We have decided that despite severe differences that we have, we will work together to solve major national problems, including terrorism,” Khan said in a video message aired during a PTI press conference.

“Elections are over and we all as a nation want to move forward,” Khan said, adding that he wanted all politicians and the military to sit down together and find a solution to domestic terrorism, which has killed thousands of people in the country.

“We cannot ensure prosperity until we eliminate the issue of terrorism,” he said.

Khan also vowed to put together a provincial coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and turn it into a “role model” for the rest of the country.



  1. Well said Imran.Now you have to focus on what unites you with Nawaz rather than what divides you. You have been through a bruising battle and won your sector. Now the proof is in eating the pudding—let us see if you can run KP efficiently. Nawaz has thrown a olive branch to you—grasp it and become a resposible partner in running the country. You know and understand the West than him. Give him a helping hand. Your popularity will only increase. Speedy recovery both phyically and psychologically. Now you are vice captain—that is nt too bad is it?

  2. The proof is in the pudding,not in eating the pudding lol…………I do like your comments at time though,at least you make sense and not run your mouth like some.

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