Pakistan protests against Afghan firing at FC post


Pakistan on Tuesday protested against the unprovoked firing by Afghan forces on a Frontier Constabulary (FC) border post on Monday, injuring five soldiers.
The Afghan charge d’ affaires was summoned to the Foreign Office and conveyed the protest on repetition of unprovoked firing from the Afghan posts on Pakistan’s Gursal post on May 6.
A Foreign Office spokesman, in a statement, said that as in the past, Pakistan’s security forces exercised maximum restraint and communicated first to the Afghan side about repetition of the serious violation through military channels.
He said that the Afghan diplomat was conveyed Pakistan’s serious concern and asked to advise the relevant authorities in his country to avoid repetition of unprovoked firing, which undermined the existing coordination mechanisms between the security forces of the two countries.
The Afghan charge d’ affaires was also conveyed that in case of any further escalation as a result of this situation, the responsibility would be on the Afghan government.
The spokesman said, “Pakistan feels that repetition of unprovoked firing incidents are adversely affecting the friendly relations between the two brotherly countries, which have covered a long distance in building trust and understanding in the recent years.”