Musharraf taken into custody



The high drama around former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf in the judges’ detention case continued on Friday as a judicial magistrate handed the former president over to police custody on transit remand for two-days besides directing police to produce the accused before Anti Terrorism Court on or before April 21.

The Islamabad police ‘informally’ produced the accused before the court of judicial magistrate and sought 14 days judicial remand. However, the judge rejected police’s plea and handed the custody of retired general to police for two days.

Wearing what appeared to be a bombproof vest, the former military chief came to the court of Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Abbas Shah on Friday morning.

Contrary to rules, police did not shackle the former president. Instead, he was escorted by his security team comprising of Rangers and intelligence personnel.

During the course of hearing, police and investigators while pointing towards Musharraf told the court that interrogation of the ‘arrested’ accused was required in connection with case registered in 2009, in which he was booked for detaining judges of superior courts.

Police also told the court that while following Islamabad High Court’s judgment announced on Thursday, some new section under 7-ATA has been added in the FIR.

After reviewing police’s application, the judge handed the accused to police on transit remand with directing it to produce the accused before the Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) before or on April 21.

In its judgment, the court said: Accused produced in custody by the local police with the request of handing him to judicial lock-up. Attesting copies of the order of worthy IHC, passed yesterday reviewed. In which it has been observed that prima facie content of FIR attracts 7-ATA. Therefore, the police is directed the police to comply with the order of IHC. Investigation officer of the case is strictly directed to adhere to the order of IHC in letter and spirit. However, two days’ transit custody of the accused is granted to local police with the direction of producing before the ATC on or before April 21.

After a brief hearing, the court had reserved its decision for a while. During this period, accused remained seated in his car. After the announcement of verdict, the former military chief left the area with his security squad. Police say the accused was in their custody as according to law, anyone granted a transit remand must be kept within police jurisdiction.

According to police, Musharraf had been shifted to Police Line Headquarters. He will be produced any time before the ATC Islamabad, which was hurriedly established on Friday to facilitate the accused, otherwise, due to non-presence of ATC in Islamabad, he would have had to go to ATC Rawalpindi.

According to notification issued by the Law Ministry, Session Judge Kausar Abbas Zaidi had been given additional charge to hear the terrorism-related case.

Meanwhile, Islamabad Inspector General of Police Bani Amin appeared in the IHC on notice before Shaukat Siddiqui. Justice Siddiqui reprimanded the IGP, asking him why he did not come on Thursday. “Why did police not arrest the accused, who despite the presence of police managed to flee the court?”

“Usually around 10 police official reach anywhere in the city to arrest vendors… but in this high-profile case of judges’ confinement, police did not arrest the accused,” the judge remarked.

In its order, the court held the IGP responsible for Musharraf fleeing the court premises on Thursday.

The court directed the interior secretary to take action against the negligence of IGP and other police officers. The court also ordered the interior secretary to submit a report of police negligence while fixing responsibility by April 23.



  1. Guys what happened to your comments ? Looks like everyone has been bitten by a snake.
    Rejoice that the accused is in police custody now it is his turn to face the tune. Rejoice O populace of Pakistan, Cheer up.

  2. Today was a sad day in the history of Pakistan. A decorated war hero, former COAS and President of Pakistan was humiliated by the low life judges. There was no reason to treat a respectable man the way he is being treated in Pakistan. No wonder Pakistan is the laughing stock of the world. As long as these judges are ruling the country, Pakistan will keep going downhill.

    • A hero who lost his soldier in Kargil misadventure. A hero who detained 60 unaremd judges as he was a dictator and had the support of military. A hero who conqured Jamia Hafsa. Now where are the supporters of that hero. now he will realize what is rule of law and what is grass root level.

    • He set our democratic system back by a decade by his misadventures, he must be punished like an ordinary criminal

  3. @ Kamran
    Rule of law is taking its course, The image of Pakistan will brighten in the international arena. However it may be that your ilk may go downhill.

    • LOL a choor ruling as presedent, two choors as PM, Nawaz the biggest choor about to become PM. Time for you to go back in the cave.

  4. Sad really this is how we treat our hero. A leader who was the envy of the world. Lord oh Lord only if the people of Pakistan knew whatever he did was in the best interest of Pakistan, wish people knew what National Security is, wish the people knew hes fought wars for his country and put his life on the line and is thus more loyal than these low life cheap judges.

  5. I admire Pervez Musharraf the most in my life, he is my hero, he is not afraid of danger, he is a true patriotic, he came here to help Pakistan.

  6. These low life corrupt judges are the root cause of most of the problems in Pakistan. Ever since Ifthikhar came into lime light six years ago, Pakistan has gone down hill. He has not had the courage to go after the real criminals but he is trying to be the hero by going after the most patriotic president we have had. Musharraf is to naieve to be a politician. CJ has proven that he is imcompetent. I hope after his retirement, he is metted out the same (or worse) treatment.

  7. He is where he should be. He was not arrested by court order. but by the nemisis. the blood soaked soil of benazir, blood soaked soil of bugti, curses of dead soldiers who were sent to die for personal glory, and scores of misdeeds.

    what is jail after all ?. it is the second home for any aspiring rulers. there they will get cool time to think clearly as there will be no sycophants disturbing and distorting his learning process. pl allow him to face law.

  8. Whatever happened to Arsallan Chaudri corruption case why is the Judiciary silent on one of their own and selective about justice. The lawyers gangs in in Pakistan the less said the better .It is a bannana republic .We are so begotted and tunnel visioned that we cannot see or accept the facts about any issue and always create myths. Bugtis,Lalmasjid,Judges. Has any one thought to ask what arms and militants are doing in a mosque, The CJs case sent tot judicail commision etc NO. They are all heros and the real hero is portrayed as a villain now .

  9. I was in the district court Islamabad when the former dictator was being produced before the AT court. the district and session judge Islamabad has been authorized to hear the Musharaf case. Scores of advocates were chanting slogans against the accused.the said court is located upstairs and he was being produced in the court as a high profile accused.The law is taking its own course. the daily wage workers of musharaf were not seen any where. Musharaf will be facing very complex situation. His legal team is not so professional in handling criminal cases. Pakistan zindabad. the judiciary zindabad

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