FBR to take PFCCI into confidence for budget proposals


Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman Ansar Javed said that Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an apex body in the country, will always be taken into confidence on budget proposals.
He was talking to newly elected President FPCCI Zubair Ahmad Malik, federation VPs and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry office bearers last night at a reception hosted in his honour by VP SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Iftikhar Ali Malik.
He categorically said that the FBR and the Finance Ministry will give due weight to all concrete and viable proposals of the FPCCI and other chambers and he will hold meetings with FPCCI in this regard.
He pointed out that FBR is facing nearly 30 percent shortfall in revenue collection target set for the current fiscal year which he hoped will be achieved until the end of June through good governance by appointing top officers of highest degrees of integrity coupled with professional competence.
He said that all officers of FBR posted in field formations have also been directed to expedite pending adjudication cases of tax payers without further loss of time within the ambit of law so that tax payers could pay their financial liabilities timely.
Javed said that since his induction in income tax group in 1979 he always attached great importance to tax payers, the main sources of strength of the national economy. He said that he had also directed all members, chief commissioners, chief collectors and commissioners and collectors to redress genuine problems being confronted by traders, importers and exporters.
Members, (enforcement) Hafiz Anees, Punjab Chief Collector Lutfullah Virk, Collector Preventive Junaid Akram, Intelligence and Investigation Director Sumaira Nazeer were also present on the occasion.
Javed said on the other hand, business community must pay their due taxes timely and contribute their shares towards nation building. He said that business community always contributed major chunk towards national exchequer and their solid and concrete proposals will be taken care of so that more revenue could be collected besides improving the national economy.
The chairman said direct interaction of private sector at highest level would yield positive results besides restoration of confidence of foreign and local investors.
Zubair Ahmad Malik stressed the need for evolving “Pakistan friendly and business friendly” fiscal policies so that economic growth could be accelerated on priority in real terms. He said the entire business community was loyal to the country and ready to brave all challenges provided they were taken into confidence before giving a final shape to national policies related to trade.
Iftikhar Ali Malik hoped that the charter of economy to be prepared with a consensus of the business community would bail the country out of a bleak economic condition. He said elected office-bearers of FPCCI and other chambers must be made permanent members in all policy making forums at federal and provincial government levels to make them viable in future.
Other veteran trade leaders Zafar Bakhtawari, Mr.Mughal Chairman FPCCI Capital Office,Hameed Akhtar Chadda, Mian Muhammad Idress, Jamil Mahboob Magoon,Sikandar,Mian Muhammad Ashraf,Anjam Nisar,Mian Zahid Jawaid, Anwaar A Shaikh, Rehmatullah Javed and scores of other tycoons also attended the event.