Imran Farooq Murder: Scotland Yard searches a new residential address


Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command Unit detectives carried out a search operation at a residential address in north-west London in connection with murder investigation of former Muttahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) slain leader Dr Imran Farooq, reported a local newspaper on Wednesday.

A Scotland Yard source confirmed that the Metropolitan Police Services (MPS) Counter Terrorism Command had “searched a residential address in north-west London as part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of Dr Imran Farooq on 16 September 2010”.

The spokesman said, “The search of the property was carried out with the consent of the owner of the premises. There were no arrests made.” A warrant to search the property was not served because the owner of the property fully cooperated with the police when informed that the police were planning to search his premises but the police took away some exhibits from the property, the source added.

The spokesman said the police remained “committed to finding those responsible and this investigation remains active”. He said that over the past 24 months, police has carried out extensive inquiries while focusing on primary themes, which has helped the police to find useful new evidence and material helpful to the investigation.

He said so far thousands of hours of CCTV footage had been reviewed from all across London and elsewhere. Detectives have so far recovered 2,718 exhibits.

The investigating team has till date reviewed 5,870 documents. By September 2012, the counter terrorism command unit had spoken to 3,200 people in relation to Dr Farooq’s murder investigation but that number has increased to 3791.

So far, eight people have been interviewed under caution in connection with the ongoing investigation into the murder of Dr Farooq but none were arrested or charged. On Thursday, 6 December 2012, officers from the Counter Terrorism Command executed a search warrant under Schedule 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) at the MQM’s international secretariat in Edgware but no arrests were made. The police has also searched at least six other addresses under PACE. It is believed that another house was searched in the same area a few months ago.

MQM has denied any knowledge of who may be behind Dr Farooq’s killing and its leader Altaf Hussain said Dr Farooq’s murder is a conspiracy against the ideology of his party. The police said that it retained an open mind as to the motive of the murder but confirmed that a key line of inquiry in the investigation is that Dr Farooq was due to launch a new political career and that police would like to speak to anyone who knew about Dr Farooq’s political activity and his ambitions for a new party.


  1. "Ideology' is a big word. Does Altaf actually know what it means? Perhaps he heard it at a night club he was singing at one drunken evening.

  2. MQM Terror Mafia Don Altaf Hussain is the Mastermind in Dr. Imran Farooq's murder as well as many other murders in Karachi. Why does Scotland yard is taking so long time to arrest this bloody criminal ?

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