JI Gujranwala chief shot, injured


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Gujranwala district chief Bilal Qudrat Butt was severely injured on Friday when unidentified armed men opened fire on his car.

Rescue sources said that Butt and his two companions had been severely injured following the firing incident, along with three passer-bys. Butt was immediately shifted to hospital and taken to the operation theatre.

According to doctors, three bullets had hit Butt, but they could not say anything about his condition yet.

A huge crowd of party workers gathered at the hospital and expressed solidarity with their leader.


  1. If we start killing jI and Jui leaders including all mullahs,The Anarchy with in Pakistan will be suddenly stop. Believe it.

  2. If all the politicians are killed , anarchy will stop automatically, its not about mullahs , its about corruption

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