SC issues notice to Shahbaz on dual membership


The Supreme Court (SC) on Saturday issued notices to Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Shahbaz Sharif over dual membership cases, since he was elected on two seats, in Bhakkar and Rawalpindi.
Chief Justice (CJ) of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhary declined the request of Sharif’s lawyer that the case be heard by a larger bench and issued notices to the CM.
The apex court was asked on Thursday to invoke its inherent powers and deliver a judgment in the long outstanding case, regardless of expiry of the Punjab Assembly, on the March 26 hearing. The court, however, raised objections over the application alleging “scandalous language”. The appellant asked the court to delete any word or sentence it deemed scandalous.
The appellant had questioned the chief justice’s order saying that no single judge in the chamber could overturn the order or preference of three judges, while adjudicating a matter in the court. The appellant recalled that the CJ had fixed the same case before a seven-member bench presided by himself and twice an appeal was heard by a five-member bench. An order signed by five judges was attached as a proof with the application filed on Saturday.
The appellant said the CJ’s order had suited Sharif while three judges had unanimously rejected his stance in court and endorsed the appellant’s view that the case was of first impression and the ‘Leave Granting Order’ had emphasised the need for an “authoritative judgment”.
The court had also asked the appellant to mention the rule under which he had filed a civil miscellaneous application to which he replied he had filed the said application under Article 187 which binds the court to complete justice between parties. He was of the view that complete justice was not imparted to him against the chief executive of Punjab.