US warns of sanctions over Pak-Iran gas project, again


The United States of America (USA) on Friday once again expressed reservations on Pak-Iran gas pipeline project and hoped that Pakistan would not go in a direction that would cause US sanctions to impose sanctions on it.

Addressing a press conference in Washington,, spokeswoman for the State Department, Victoria Nuland said that “US was making efforts to help resolve energy crisis in Pakistan and to advance Mangla and Jamshoro power plants”.

She said that pakistan’s gas pipeline accord with Iran is against UN sanctions. “Just to be absolutely clear again, if this deal is finalized for a proposed Iran-Pakistan pipeline, it would raise serious concerns under our Iran Sanctions Act. We’ve made that absolutely clear to our Pakistani counterparts. And just to say again that Iran has proven again and again that it is not a reliable partner” she emphasised.

The spokeswoman admitted that Pakistan has a lot of energy requirements and the US is working with Pakistan, in close partnership, on other, better ways to meet those needs, through the TAPI pipeline, by supporting large-scale energy projects like the 900-megawatt power grid by 2013, or by renovating power plants in Tarbela and Mangla Dams, modernizing the thermal power plants in Guddu, and Muzafaragarh.

She said the US is also assisting in building new dams at Satpara and Gomal Zam. She was of the opinion that this was the right direction for Pakistan and the international community was prepared to be supportive for these projects.


  1. Is it the positive and sensible reaction from the Champion of Democracy?Pakistan must go ahead with those protects which are in the best interst of Pakistan.U.S.A threats are bullshitting and blackmailing behaviours.Pakistan must not care for these bloody blackmailing threats,as since 1947,U.S.A is behaving Pakistan very wrongly.We will never afraid of America.

  2. Thanks Madam for your selfish advice, we need energy to become industrialize nation, so our peoples can prosper and live a rich life.

  3. Pakistan helped US defeat Soviet invasion in Afghanistan and it slapped sanctions on Pakistan as soon as it did not need Pakistan's help anymore. Again US is threatening sanctions as it is preparing to leave Afghanistan.

    Why are we waiting to be blackmailed again? We should immediately slap sanctions and choke off land and air routes to US through Pakistan. About time they learnt, you DO NOT blackmail the hand that helped you!

  4. do not bother of USA get Gas and Diesel from Iran , it is me telling from last 8 years , in 2012 your industry was closed due to Gas shortage , did USA helped U ?? your load shedding was very high did USA helped U , forget USA and do what is Gud for Pakistan

  5. Pakistan and Iran is threatened whilst Israel which does have nucleur weapons, does attack its neighbours, does repress & practise apartheid on the Palestinian people, does break international law & the Geneva convention, is continueing illegal settlements, does collective punishment on civilians gets rewarded with military aid & lots of free money. The hypocrisy is nothing short of evil, when has Iran attacked anyone, oh yeah over 250 years ago & Israel invades someone every other year.

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