Zardari to visit Iran on 11th for IP gas project groundbreaking


President Asif Ali Zardari will visit Iran on March 11 to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Moazzam Khan said that several world leaders have also been invited to join President Zaradri and the Iranian President at the ceremony.

Khan during the weekly press briefing said that the multi-billion gas pipeline is in the national interest of Pakistan as the country faces acute shortage of gas.

Despite strong opposition by the United States and possible sanctions, President Zardari had said last week that his energy- starved country will pursue the gas pipeline project and will persuade the critics that Pakistan needs energy. Pakistan and Iran have held a series of talks on the project for nearly two decades but it was finalized during Zardari’s recent visit to Tehran.
Both countries had agreed to complete the project by mid-2014.

Iran has already laid down the pipeline in its territory while the laying of 785-km long Pakistani section will start shortly. Pakistan plans to import 21.5 million cubic meters of gas daily from Iran through the pipeline


  1. asif ali zardari is a very brave leader,he has done very well for the long term intrest of pakistan,i hope ppp wins next elections

  2. hahahahahahahah what a hypocrytic nation is Pakistan,,,,if I may call it a nation.

    And anyways zardari also knows that this deal cannot happen or else pakistan wont be able sell even zarda….good ploy to affect the vote bank…..

    hahahhahahahah….bechare porkis…

    • And Nawazoo released AmilKansi on a eye wink from US Foreign Minister, and IK s a born puppet of USA

    • PPP was the first politicalparty who was established on Anti-US Pro-China and nationalist peoples program in 1967. Think before u speak

  3. i dont think it will complete.this is only election stunt..
    without permission of USA …zardari cant do any thing..

    • what do u mean? He s not like NawazSharif who sent AmilKansi to USA. Also, Clinton saved NawazSharif from being hanged by Musharaf, because Nawazoo was their agent, being a big capitalist.

  4. hhahaaaa..poor pakis…ground breaking under them..hahhaha..not a leaf moves without US blessing in cesspit pak..

  5. So does that mean that sanctions comes and more CIA/NATO/UN agents set off more bombs between sects and parties in Pakistan. Also more drone attacks inside PK. My analysis says the US shall retaliate even an iota of “defiance” to their petrodollar.

    Please help and inform me if there is a way out of the petrodollar crisis without losing too many human lives.

    The NATO/UN/Shaitan/Bush group is hell bent making sure WW3 kills as many people so they can stick to their agenda set in stone literally in the Georgia guide stones.

    I pray to God that God gives us the knowledge and true information to make better decisions and the courage so we can eliminate the carnage going on in Iran/PK/AF and many other countries.

    If we do not sort out our problems between Iran russia and USA then we would have been better of under the mughal empire which was destroyed to promote british (now NATO) interests.



  6. we must appreciate good work from any one,asif zardari deserves a lot of praise for changing the direction of pakistan foreign policy,he is doing well to defy american pressure

  7. asif zardari is deliberately portrayed wrongly by media and his political opponents,but if you look without bias he is very patriotic and brave person,overall under difficult conditions he has done very well

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