PTI condemns stoppage of party polls in Rawalpindi


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Tuesday condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the interference of Rawalpindi Police and the PML-N-led Punjab government in its intra-party elections.

By an order issued last night, the Rawalpindi Central Police Officer issued an order stopping the PTI party election, taking cover of an order of the Civil Court in the matter of a union council election.

Taking note of this illegal order by the CPO, PTI Information Secretary Shafqat Mahmood said this police officer had no legal authority of any sort.

“Even if there is a stay order by a court, which in this case is not, the police cannot go on enforcing stay orders,” he said.

“If any one has any grievances, the correct procedure is to move a contempt application in the court. The CPO has no authority under the law to stop party elections,” Shafqat said.

Shafqat Mahmood further said this was an attempt by the PML-N to interfere in the internal party elections of PTI.

“N-League like other dynastic parties conducts sham elections to fulfill a legal requirement. They are now terrified of a real internal party democracy that PTI has started,” he said.

The dynastic leaders see the traditional of internal party polls as a direct threat to their hold over the parties and thus would do anything to stop the process.

Shafqat warned PML-N to stop this interference or get ready to “face the wrath of the charged PTI workers”.