Syed Ali Gilani’s detention illegal: Dal Khalsa


The Amritsar-based Sikh organisation, Dal Khalsa, has strongly condemned the house arrest of the veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in New Delhi as illegal and unjust.

The Dal Khalsa president, H S Dhami, in a statement issued from Amritsar demanded immediate release of Syed Ali Gilani and lamented the silence of Indian civil society and eminent human rights activists over the issue.

He urged the United Nations Human Rights Council, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to intervene and take stock of the restrictions on the veteran Hurriyet leader. He said that the Indian government was highly mistaken if it considered that by detaining Gilani it could break his resolve for carrying forward the struggle of Kashmiris’ for the right to self- determination.

Dhami also urged Indian Home Minister, Sushilkumar Shinde, to restore the civil, political and human rights of Gilani immediately and allow him to be with his people and Family members


  1. The house detention to Mr.Syed Ali Gilani is eligal and this rubbish and foolish punishmeny must be lifted with immediate effect,but India will never listen as its past shows anti-Muslims`s comapaign no effect on it.Where are now International Human rights activists organizations?Why are they sleeping and cann`t face India to condemn these foolish actions.We again appeal to the Secretary General of U.N.O to intervene and use his abilities to ask India to give the Kashmiris RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AS INDIA IS BOUND TO GULFIL ITS PROMISE MADE IN 1948.WHY INDIA IS REFUSING AND WHY U.N. O IS NOT COMPELLING INDIA TO EXCERSISE ITS INTERNATIONAL BOUNDINGS.

    • Don't poke ur filthy nose in our matters son. Go ask the UN to kill ur pakis who are beheading ur own muslim HAZARAS lol. Idiots

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