Increasing trend of one-wheeling in twin cities


The dangerous trend of one-wheeling in the twin cities is increasing which needs to be curbed immediately by the city administration.

Youngster can be seen one-wheeling on 7th Avenue, 9th Avenue, Murree Road, Express Way, Sixth Road, Mall Road and Saidpur Road without any preventive measures like helmets and elbow guards.

Dangerous stunts like standing on motorcycles, driving with one’s backs towards the handles and lying flat on the motorcycle seats were some of the tricks performed by youngsters while the rode their motorcycles

Residents of twin cities urged police to curb one-wheeling and asked parents to strictly advise their children against it.

Representatives of traffic police told APP that a special squad was being made to curb one-wheeling and a special mobile team was to e established on Saturday and Sunday to eliminate the wheeling trend.