SDPI to hold seminar on ‘Coal Water Slurry’


The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) will hold a seminar under titled “Coal Water Slurry: An effective Way to Overcome Energy Crisis’ on 25th February.
The main speakers of the seminar were included, Mr Salman Qaisrani, Director CWS Energies Private Limited, Mr Arshad H. Abbasi, Senior Advisor, Water and Energy Unit, SDPI. Pakistan is facing an unprecedented energy crisis due to increased reliance on imported furnace oil for power generation. It is estimated that more than 53% of the oil imports constitutes fuel used for power generation, thus draining the national exchequer.
In order to reduce the dependence on oil imports, Government of Pakistan has decided to convert 4200 MW of thermal power plants to coal under medium term program. This has raised the concerns over the costs involved with the retrofit changes for coal in thermal power plants and environmental pollution associated with the coal.
Here, Coal Water Slurry (CWS) Technology comes as an alternate which is an effective, cleaner and environmental friendly replacement of furnace oil, diesel & natural gas in power generation. The seminar would discuss coals as a fuel for power generation, the economic and technical prospects of Coal Water Slurry Technology and the utilization of huge reserves of coal in Pakistan such as the ‘Thar Coal’ to address energy crisis in Pakistan.