Call for strike against attack on Qambar pir


Strike is being observed in different cities of Sindh amid call of protests against yesterday’s attack on a prominent spiritual leader near Jacobabad which left his grandson dead.
According to media reports, Shafiq Hussain Shah, the grandson of religious figure pir of Qambar Sharif Sain Hussain Shah, was killed and 10 others were injured when a bomb blast ripped through a religious gathering near Jacobabad city in Sindh.s
The Hussain remained safe in the roadside blast which occurred as his motorcade arrived at the venue of a rally.
Police said a remote-controlled devise was used to initiate the blast. Meanwhile, the spiritual leader’s car was badly damaged by the blast.
The attack angered Hussain’s followers and caused tension in several cities of Sindh. Protesters took to the streets and forced businesses and shops to close down in various cities of the province.
The Sunni Tehrik called for a day of mourning in the province.
Religious organisations have announced to observe three-day mourning in Khairpur and Larkana and also gave protests calls in Sukkur, Hyderabad, Dadu and other cities.
Meanwhile, police have arrested two suspects in connection with the blast.