US generals praise Pakistan’s performance


Gen John R Allen, commander of the International Security Assistance Force, met Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Ashfaq Kayani on Thursday, the latest in a regular series of engagements aimed at bolstering military-to-military relationship between ISAF and Pakistan as well as improving security in the region.
According to a statement issued by the US embassy, the trip was the last Gen Allen was making to Pakistan as the ISAF commander. He was joined in Islamabad by his successor, Gen Joseph F Dunford Jr, who assumes command of the 50-nation coalition force on Sunday.
The officials discussed a variety of issues relating to their mutually-shared goals of peace and stability in the region and strengthening cross-border cooperation.
Acknowledging that there was more to do, both leaders were pleased with the progress to date.
“This ongoing strategic dialogue between the two four-star generals, supported by frequent discussions at lower levels, has enhanced the effectiveness of operations on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border,” the statement said.


  1. Why do we need a certificate from American Generals? They are themselves quite incompetent, so much so that ten years after invading Afghanistan, they have not improved anything in that ciuntry.

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