Foreign varsity team visits Dow University


Dr Haider A Khwaja, a PhD from the Department of Environmental Health and Toxicology, School of Public Health, State University of New York (University at Albany), visited the Dow University of Health Sciences Ojha Campus School of Public Health on Tuesday.
Dr Haider along with the Dow University of Health Sciences Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Masood Hameed Khan discussed the latest developments in the area of public health. They discussed the importance of promoting occupational health, environmental health and health policy management in Pakistan. They also discussed various aspects of collaboration in the above mentioned fields.
They were of the view that there was indeed a great opportunity to train human resources in public health sector and to share knowledge in areas of teaching and research. They further said that at a time when there was a dearth of cost effective methods, people related to health sector were striving globally to find better solutions in promoting health among the marginalised segments of society. Collaboration between these two universities could go a long way in bringing around a positive difference, they added. It should be mentioned here that both these universities were the leading universities in the national public sectors and the significance of their contribution in this regard was enormous. Furthermore, this collaboration would result in some great work being done for the benefit of Pakistani people.


  1. Its been positive aspect that we must needs to adopt and also there will be less temptation to think about what has been done and what is actually required so.

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