No unregistered arrests to be tolerated beyond 48 hours: Rabbani


The Parliamentary Committee on National Security on Saturday directed the security agencies to register an FIR against every individual they took into custody for interrogation.
The committee, headed by Mian Raza Rabbani, decreed that security agencies shall inform the relevant SHO of the area from which the citizen would be arrested and said that relatives and legal counsels of the arrested would be allowed access to the arrested. Redrafting policies to resolve the issue of missing persons, the committee mandated upon the law enforcing agencies to present the arrested at magistrate’s court within 48 hours of their arrest.
Similarly, the accused would have the right to a lawyer and security agencies would be required to carry out investigations and submit a challan within 21 days of the arrest.
Talking to sources, Rabbani said that the committee had finalized ten recommendations which would be tabled at the National Assembly. He said that t representatives of PPP(Sherpao) and Balochistan National Party were not present when the recommendations were finalized. He said the recommendations would be made public after consultation with the two parties.


  1. This is a right step but timings are not. We have terrorist safe havens in Tribal areas, a very porous border with Afghanistan, a lot of foreign involvement in our affairs, separatist movements, even a fascist movement. We have no adequate capacity to provide protection to the witnesses. We have so far failed to stamp down on the militant wings of political parties. Police are impotent due to corruption, political involvement, lack of training and equipment. Political leadership is the worst in the entire world; even Somali pirates have better vision then them. To top it all we have befriended Americans while actively seeking strategic depths in Afghanistan. The irony doesn't end here. We have allowed afghans to settle in the length and breadth of Pakistan absolutely unchecked. We set up NADRA who allowed hundreds of thousands of Afghans to get Pakistani ID cards while their sympathies remain with Taliban. Political leadership seeks guidance from Army in statesmanship; they do not question Army as to what are their operational priorities let alone guiding the forces to set priorities. Braving all this mayhem a soldier arrests a terrorist who has blood of many of his comrades and innocent Pakistani citizens on his hands. When that soldier would see that terrorist being released by the courts owing to lack of evidence- which of course is the requirement- what would happen to the morale of that soldier?

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