YouTube to be unblocked within 24 hours, tweets Malik


Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that a decision had been made to unblock YouTube within 24 hours following ‘a great demand’ from the public. In a message tweeted on Friday, Rehman Malik said he took the decision after chairing a high-level meeting with all stakeholders on the Youtube issue. “Those who had been pressing me to unblock the site should be happy now,” he said. The minister hailed Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for blocking anti-Islamic material. “PTA is finalizing negotiations in order to acquire a powerful software to totally block pornographic and blasphemous material,” he said.


  1. You are a joke. Who are you to block and ban at will eh? "Anti-Islamic", "pornographic" material?? Those who have the decency not to watch anything that hurts their sentiments, simply don't watch. Those who want to watch, will find a way to watch. Mind your own darn business Mr. Ban this and Ban that. Be sharam, apnee harkatain dekh mulk koh bar bar badnaam karnay seh pehle!!

    • Yap so loutely correct.Ask these so-called muslims what they have done to ban the booze??? nothing,zero,zilch.You know why? because if they ban booze,how will the President and his 40 chors enjoy every evening.

  2. These morons and their statements really crack me up,does any of them ever think before they say stuff."A great demand" from the public??? what about electricity,gas,CNG,patrol.Quit singing the roti,kapra or makan song,non of those things are possible without the electric and gas you idiots,that includes Bil a bong,sorry,Bilawal.

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