Turkish delegation visits UHS


A 9-member Turkish delegation visited the University of Health Sciences (UHS) on Friday.
The delegation was headed by Dokuz Eylul University Vice Chancellor Dr Recep Yaparel, from Izmir, Turkey. UHS Vice Chancellor, IA Naveed, while giving a warm welcome to the delegation, said that Pakistan and Turkey were bound in long-standing relations of friendship, brotherhood and affection which had gotten stronger over time.
“People of Pakistan know that Turkey has supported them in difficult times and, therefore, our hearts beat in unison with our Turkish brethren,” he said.
Naveed further said that the unprecedented and rapid progress made by Turkey during recent decades served as a unique role model for Pakistan. He added that the close cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey, especially in Punjab, for execution of welfare and development projects in various fields including transport and solid waste management was highly praiseworthy. Yaparel thanked the vice chancellor and faculty of UHS for their warm welcome. He said that the Turkey’s deep commitment to friendship with people of Pakistan was no secret. He said that the visit of Turkish delegation to UHS would open new chapters in cooperation especially in the field of medical education and health research.