Guinness records inspire and also raise eyebrows


The record for the world’s largest human mosaic and the largest flag were made in Lahore during the Punjab Youth Festival on Monday evening. The flag was made by 24,200 students the Hockey Stadium who broke the previous record made by 21,726 people in Hong Kong. Students were gathered from different districts of Lahore to perform the feat.
People present on the occasion said that such events would help show a softer image of the country. They said they were glad to be a part of history and lauded the efforts of the Punjab government for arranging the festival. Sports Board Chairman Hamza Shahbaz, witnesses from Guinness and other officials were also present on the occasion.
“We came with our families and we were not disappointed,” said Maham Mushtaq, adding that she was glad that there were such events being held in the city.
“Such events just make me so happy to be Pakistani,” said Nabeel Zaidi, adding that such events should be held regularly.
Ali Khan, who had come especially from Khyber Pakhtunkwa, said that such events would also help improve the country’s internal unity and help eradicate terrorism.
Raza Mehmood, an official, said that it was a proud movement for them since their efforts had borne fruits.
“We are grateful to the students they really made it easy for us,” said another official. Meanwhile the skeptics said that breaking such ‘meaningless’ records did not mean anything. “Instead of wasting money on breaking pointless Guinness records, the Punjab government should focus on eradicating polio,” said Khwaja Imran, a student.
“How about we set a record of being the country which has the highest literacy rate, the money and effort should be used on achieving this which has long-term benefits, not on pulling cars with moustache,” said Sana Rashid, a designer.


  1. How about some other world records held by Pakistan such as corruption, hypocrisy, terrorism, unemployment, population growth, electricity shortage, pollution, literacy rate , unclean drinking water and of course match fixing.

  2. Pakistan also holds the record of highest drone attacks in a country (Pakistan) by any other country (USA).

  3. oh!!! plz u all !!! every thing on its on place but dont be against Pakistan coz u dont know abut Pakistanis!!!!
    Love u Pakistan !!!!!!!

  4. Furqan, that is because of your govt, pls stop saying that crap, this is not something that you should talk about. you should atleast appreciate the good things happening in Pakistan.

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