PICIC reach Aibak final


LAHORE – PICIC Insurance strolled into the final of the high goal Pakistan State Oil Aibak Polo Cup 2011, to be played on Sunday here at the LPC ground. PICIC Insurance on Thursday trampled Warid Polo team with a big margin of nine goals to one. Raul LaPlacette made mockery of the Warid quartet with six goals, while the other three, Saqib Khan Khakwani, Naveed M Sheikh and Shah Qubilai Alam shared one goal each.
Warid’d Manual Crespo scored a consolation goal, and that too through a 560 yard penalty hit. PICIC Insurance made all the moves like long chase, spot and yarder penalties, pass goals and cut shots. The six goals by Raul LaPlacette also included three consecutives in the second chukker, which were the only goals scored in that quarter. PICIC Insurance began the game with three goals, added another three in the second. Another came in the third chukker and two in the last chukker. The only goal Warid got was in the third quarter.